
General 更新 2025年03月04日



  A new U.S. survey shows that Chinese teachers' average wage has almost dropped to the bottom on a list of 28 countries studied, the New York Times reported.


  In terms of purchasing power, newly hired Chinese university teachers are the worst off, earning 1632 yuan ***$259*** each, and the average wage of university teacher in China is only 4537 yuan ***$720***, according to the statistics released by Philip Altbach and his colleagues at the Center for International Higher Education.


  The report aroused hot discussion among Chinese netizens and many university teachers complain about their low income and plain living styles, Xinhua reported.


  A netizen named "color ink" posted that he has been a university teacher for 37 years, with a monthly wage less than 4000 yuan. However, his students can normally earn 6000 yuan per month soon after graduation. He felt lost and helpless.


  In general, many netizens call for the increase of academics' salaries to ensure their living standards and social status.



  Making your way gloomily to the airport after an action-packed holiday, it is easy to feel the days have flown by all too quickly. But there is no need to worry because once you return to the daily grind your break will suddenly seem like it lasted for a lifetime.


  So say psychologists who believe that the effect is down to the different methods the brain uses to judge the passage of time. Learning to manipulate our perception of time could make our lives feel fuller and reassure those who feel that the years slip by faster as they grow older.


  The mystery behind the so-called "holiday paradox" was explained in a presentation by psychologist and BBC broadcaster Claudia Hammond at the British Psychological Society conference in London last week. Ms Hammond, whose book Time Warped will be published next month, said when we are doing something new and interesting – such as when we are on holiday – time appears to go more quickly than when we are bored or anxious.

  關於“假日悖論”背後的奧妙,是由心理學家兼英國BBC播報員Claudia Hammond 上週在倫敦舉辦的英國心理社會會議上闡述的。漢孟的新書《把時間打包》將於下個月出版,她表示當我們做一些新鮮和有趣的事情時,就例如當我們度假的時候,時間會過的比我們覺得厭煩或焦慮時要快很多。

  In a normal fortnight the average person only accumulates between six and nine new memories because so much of what we do is routine.But on a holiday we can build up that number of memories in a single day because everything we experience is new, meaning that when we look back it will seem to have lasted much longer than it really did.


  She said: "The same happens as we get older and time starts to speed up. There are fewer memories of new things, and we do the same things more and more often."

  她說:“隨著年齡的增長日子會過得飛快,這是因為我們越來越多地做著重複的事情,新鮮事物的記憶越來越少,這也可用‘假期悖論’ 進行說明。”

  People who complain that years seem to whizz past with increasing speed could slow things down by making the most of their weekends and breaking up their daily routine, she added. "Taking a different route to work, getting off your bus a stop early or avoiding having the same sandwich for lunch every day could make life seem a little slower," she said.

