
General 更新 2025年02月28日



  The government-run command post in Tunis is staffed around the clock by militarypersonnel, meteorologists and civilians. On the wall are maps, crisscrossed with brightly colorsarrows that painstakingly track the fearsome path of the enemy.

  What kind of invader gives rise to such high-level monitoring? Not man, not beast, but thelowly desert locust.***蝗蟲*** In recent months, billions of the 3-inch-long winged warriors havedescended on Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia, blackening the sky and eating up crops andvegetation. The insect invasion, the worst in 30 years, is already creating great destruction inthe Middle East and is now treating southern Europe. The current crisis began in late 1985near the Red Sea. Unusually rainy weather moistened the sands of the Sudan, making themideal breeding grounds for the locust, which lays its eggs in the earth. The insect onslaughtthreatens to create yet another African famine. Each locust can eat its weight ***not quite atenth of an ounce*** in vegetation every 24 hours. A good-size swarm of 50 billion insects eats up100,000 tons of grass, trees and crops in a single night.

  All ﹩150 million may be needed this year. The U.S. has provided two spraying planes andabout 50,000 gal. of pesticide. The European Community has donated ﹩3.8 million in aid andthe Soviet Union, Canada, Japan and China have provided chemical-spraying aircraft to helpwipe out the pests. But relief efforts are hampered by the relative mildness of approvedpesticides, which quickly lose their deadly punch and require frequent replications. The mosteffective locust killer dieldrin has been linked to cancer and is banned by many Westerncountries and some of the affected African nations. More then 5 million acres have been dustedwith locust-killing chemicals; another 5 million will be treated by the end of June.

  On May 30, representatives of Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Mauritania will meet inAlgiers to discuss tactics to wipe out the ravenous swarms. The move is an important step, butwhatever plan is devised, the locust plague promised to get worse before the insects can bebrought under control.


  1.The main idea of the first sentence in the passage is that ___.

  A.the command post is stationed with people all the time.

  B.the command post is crowed with people all the time.

  C.there are clocks around the command post.

  D.the clock in the command post is taken care of by the staff.

  2.The favorable breeding ground for the locust is ___.

  A.rich soil.

  B.wet land

  C.paces covered crops and vegetation

  D.the Red Sea

  3.People are alert at the threat of the locust because ___.

  A.the insects are likely to create another African famine.

  B.the insects may blacked the sky.

  C.the number of the insects increases drastically.

  D.the insects are gathering and moving in great speed.

  4.Which of the following is true?

  A.Once the pesticides are used, locust will die immediately.

  B.Relief efforts are proved most fruitful due to the effectiveness of certain pesticides.

  C.Dieldrin, the most effective locust killer, has been widely accepted in many countries.

  D.Over 10 million acres of affected area will have been treated with locust-killing chemicalsby the end of June.

  5.The purpose for affected nations to meet in Algiers on May 30 is ___.

  A.to devise antilocust plans.

  B.to wipe out the swarms in two years.

  C.to call out for additional financial aid from other nations.

  D.to bring the insects under control before the plague gets worse.




  Improbable as it may seem, an increasing number of Germans are giving up their elegantMercedeses, sleek BMWs and ferociously fast Porsches and getting behind the wheels ofimported American models – fro plush Cadillacs to more prosaic Fords. Unlike the carsproduced by Detroit’s European subsidiaries, these cars are as American as apple pie and waterybeer. And thanks to a favorable exchange rate, they are more affordable than ever Last yearGermans bought 12 477 new U.S. –built cars; sales are expected to double this year.

  Like blue jeans, this buy – America fad appeals to Germans from all walks of life. Onceregarded as faulty, flashy, gas – guzzling Goliaths, American autos are – thanks in largemeasure to foreign competition –more stylish and reliable than in years past. Tugged, off-road vehicles like the four-wheel drive Jeep Cherokee are now the hot wheels to drive amongGermany’s thirty- something set. Owners and Aficionados of American – made care also boasttheir cars are cheaper to maintain.

  But that’s not the main reason German motorists are choosing U.S. imports – It’s theirprice. Even after the cost of overseas shipping is included, American – made cars offer morevalue – and deluxe features – for less money than German models. A Chrysler LeBaronconvertible sells for 35 000 marks; a BMW 320i convertible, by comparison, commands 10 000 marks more. And U.S. autos come with standard equipment – electric windows, automaticlocks and sun roofs – that’s available only as expensive options on German models.

  Owning an American car in Germany is not for everybody. But the worst headaches comeform the German bureaucracy. Johann Erben, a Greiburg dental lab technician, purchased aLeBaron convertible during a U.S. trip in November – and has yet to drive it one kilometer.First, he waited months for the proper registration documents to arrive; then he spent morethan 1 000 marks to have it comply with German regulations. Even so, safety inspectorsrefused to approve it until he changed the headlights and windows to European Communitystandards. “There I was with my supermodern, $ 20,000 car and unable to get it throughinspection,” Erben recalled.


  1.Detroit’s European subsidiaries _______.

  A.produce the same models as Detroit supplies in the U.S. market

  B.provide cars of European styles

  C.produce cars that are thought to be un-American by Germans

  D.could hardly meet the demand for American cars last year

  2.The buy-American fad that appeals to Germans most seems to be _______.

  A.blue jeans B.apple pie

  C.U.S.-made cars D.watery beer

  3.As for Germans, American cars not only are cheaper but _______.

  A.endures wear and tear B.are adaptable to road conditions

  C.provides greater space D.offers more deluxe features

  4.Which of the following statements is true?

  A.American cars used to consume a lot of oil.

  B.Japanese cars still lead the German market.

  C.The U.S. motor industry is now confident to cope with recession.

  D.German cars are going to provide the same standard equipment as American-made cars.

  5.European Community standards probably are _______.

  A.a law to control the amount of imported goods from other continents

  B.a set of standards to inspect imported cars

  C.a system to regulate measures of manufactured goods

  D.a set of standards to control product quality


