
General 更新 2025年03月24日



  No one knows when the first calendar was developed. But it seems possible that it was based on lunar months. When people started farming, the sages of the tribes became very important, they studied the sky and gathered enough information to be able to predict when the seasons would change, and were able to announce when it was time to plant crops.

  The divisions of time we use today were developed in ancient Babylonia 4,000 years ago.Babylonian astronomers believed the sun moved around the Earth every 365 days.They divided the trip into 12 equal parts, each with 30 days. Then they divided each day into 24 equal parts, or hours, and divided each hour into 60 minutes, each minute into 60 seconds.

  Humans have used many devices to measure time; the sundial ***日晷*** was one of the earliest and simplest. However, the sundial worked well only when the weather was fine, so other ways of measuring the passing of time were invented. One device was the hourglass***沙漏***. By the eighteenth century, people had developed mechanical clocks and watches. So we have devices to mark the passing of time, but what time is it now? Clocks in different parts of the world do not show the same time at the same time, because time on Earth is set by the sun’s positions in the sky above us. As international communications and travel grew, it became clear that a way to establish a common time for all parts of the world was needed. In 1884, an international conference divided the world into 24 time zones, each zone represents one hour. The astronomical observatory in Greenwich, England, was chosen as the starting point for the time zones. Twelve zones are west of Greenwich. Twelve are east. The time at Greenwich measured by the sun is considered by astronomers to be Universal Time, also known as Greenwich Mean Time.


  57. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

  A*** The Development of Universal Time.

  B*** Different Ways to Measure Time.

  C*** Why We Measure Time the Way We do.

  D*** How the Calendar Came into being.

  58. What does the example of Babylonia astronomers reveal?

  A*** It reveals Babylonians’wisdom that was absent elsewhere.

  B*** It reveals the origin of our time measurements.

  C*** It reveals the limits of sometime measurements.

  D*** It reveals the stability of time measurements.

  59. The author mentions all of the following ways to measure time EXCEPT .

  A*** sundial B*** hourglass C*** electric clock D*** mechanical clock

  60. According to the passage, Greenwich Mean Time .

  A*** provides a common time for all parts of the world

  B*** is calculated from the sun

  C*** is the 12th of the 24 time zones

  D*** was named after an international conference

  61. With which of the following statements would the author be most likely to agree?

  A*** Time measurements have changed in response to need and technological development.

  B*** In ancient Babylonia, 12 was the basic division of time.

  C*** The first calendar was developed because the sages of tribes were intelligent.

  D*** Universal Time is so named because it is applicable throughout the universe.


  57. C 主旨題本文共三段。第一段講日曆起源之因;第二段講作為現代時間概念的基礎,古巴比倫如何劃分年月日時分秒;第三段提及先後出現的測量時間的各種工具,並講述“世界時”如何順應時代發展而產生。A***,B***和D***項都只概括了本文的部分內容,只有C***項是對全文的總結。

  58. B 綜合判斷題C***項在文章中沒有提及,D***項不正確。本文的主題是計時方式的發展,並未強調某個民族智慧過人,A***項也不正確。

  59. C 細節題根據題幹可定位於第三段前半部分,答案是C。

  60. B 細節題解題依據是“The time at Greenwich measured by the sun is…”。不過考生不一定留意了這個後置定語。相反,受“Twelve zones are west of Greenwich. Twelve are east.”的影響,可能會誤選C***項。其實,這裡是24個時區的“the starting point”,也就是第一個時區。

  61. A 綜合判斷題C***項提到的日曆出現就是其中一個例證,第三段還提到sundial, hourglass, mechanical clocks and watches和Greenwich Mean Time的出現,這都是隨著人類社會發展的需要出現的。C***項錯在將日曆出現歸因於一小部分人的高智商,真正的原因其實是“When people started farming…”。此外,Universal Time並非全宇宙通用,它只適用於全球24個時區,故D***項也不正確。
