
General 更新 2025年02月19日



  1*** 幾處早鶯爭暖樹,誰家新燕啄春泥。

  Several early warbler for warm tree, the new young yan peck mud。

  2*** 爆竹聲中一歲除,春風送暖入屠蘇。

  Firecrackers in New Year's eve, the spring breeze gifts into the toso。

  3*** 春潮帶雨晚來急,野渡無人舟自橫。

  Spring tides occur, hurry take rain late spots no boat from the cross。

  4*** 春江潮水連海平,海上明月共潮生。

  Riverside tidal sea level, a total of sea moon tide health。

  5*** 故人西辭黃鶴樓,煙花三月下揚州。

  Yangzhou under the old west yellow crane tower, the fireworks in March。

  6*** 惆悵東欄一株雪,人生看得幾清明。

  Melancholy east bar one individual plant snow, life is to see a few。

  7*** 問君能有幾多愁,恰似一江春水向東流。

  Asked her to have much sorrow, just like a spring waters flow east。

  8*** 試上超然臺上看,半壕春水一城花。

  Try on the transcendental platform, and a half in a city flowers feeling。

  9*** 枕上片時春夢中,行盡江南數千裡。

  Pillow for a little dream of spring, the line of jiangnan thousands of miles。

  10*** 東風知我欲山,吹斷簷間積雨聲。

  The east wind hath broken know my mountain, eaves product between the rain。

  11*** 人生自是有情痴,此恨不關風和月。

  Life naturally sentient beings chi, hate this isn't the wind and the month。

  12*** 小樓一夜聽春雨,深巷明朝賣杏花。

  Building a night listening to the spring rain, the Ming dynasty deep sell apricot flowers。

  13*** 錦江春色來天地,玉壘浮雲變古今。

  Jinjiang spring scenery to the heavens and the earth, which clouds change at all。

  14*** 好雨知時節,當春乃發生。隨風潛入夜,潤物細無聲。

  The rain season, when spring is happening。 The wind into night, moistens everything silently。

  15*** 春天不收穫,炎天就不生長,秋日就不克不及收割,冬天就不克不及品味。

  Spring harvest, day would not grow, it means less autumn harvest and winter means less than taste。


  1*** 春水碧於天,畫船聽雨眠。

  Water, biyutian ship rain sleeps。

  2*** 好雨知時節,當春乃發生。

  The rain season, when spring is happening。

  3*** 誰言寸草心,報得三春暉!

  Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui。

  4*** 不知細葉誰裁出,二月春風似剪刀。

  Know who thin leaf cut out, breeze like scissors。

  5*** 野火燒不盡,春風吹又生。

  Wildfires burn born again when the spring breeze blows。

  6*** 迫不得已花落去,似曾相識燕歸來。

  Forced to whispering, familiar yan return。

  7*** 更深月夜半人家,北斗闌干南鬥斜。

  Deeper in the midnight, beidou crisscross Sagittarius。

  8*** 春眠不覺曉,處處聞啼鳥。

  Spring sleep unknowingly xiao, everywhere smell to birds。

  9*** 落紅不是無情物,化作春泥更護花。

  No not heartless, maternal gentleness more protect flower。

  10*** 羌笛何必怨楊柳,東風不度玉門關。

  QiangDi why blame the willows, dongfeng degree yumenguan。

  11*** 不知細葉誰裁出,仲春東風似剪刀。

  Know who thin leaf cut out, air dongfeng like scissors。

  12*** 楊花落儘子規啼,聞道龍標過五溪。

  It all cuckoo cries, wen dao Long Biao five streams。

  13*** 等閒識得東風面,萬紫千紅總是春。

  Afford to recognize dongfeng, full always spring。

  14*** 東風雙綠江南岸,明月何時照我還。

  Dongfeng double green river, south when the moon as I also。

  15*** 春風又綠江南岸,明月何時照我還。

  The spring breeze and green river, south when the moon as I also。

  16*** 春心莫共花爭發,一寸相思一寸灰。

  Stop paying for hair, one inch long for one inch ash。

