
General 更新 2025年03月04日


  What the Heck Does Vincent van Gogh Have To Do With Internet Marketing?

  Nothing and Everything!

  Tucked discreetly away on my modest marketing website is a copy of a Vincent van Goghportrait I created for a charity fund raiser some years back.A few or the people who havestumbled upon it have sent me puzzling emails-van Gogh and Internet Marketing? What's theconnection?

  It all boils down to stubborn old learning habits tbat never die!

  Let me explain-I am trained as an artist-one of the best ways to learn how to draw or paint isto copy theMasters. Spend a few hours copying a van Gogh, a Monet or a Durer and you willlearn more in those few hours than months spent in the classroom pouring over color theories,composition charts, and paint mixtures.

  Learn By Seeing Through the Eyes of the Masters!

  They have been there, done that, and they have solved all the major problems for you. It worksperfectly and aftists have been learning this way for centuries.

  When I first started internet marketing I applied the same method. ***Did I mention I wasStubborn!*** A few hours studying the Masters-their techniques, their marketing tools, theirmindsets-saved me and they will save you from months ***if not years*** of trial and error.

  study the masters first-hand and you will gain a more complete and broader understanding ofthe different marketing techniques, methods, and systems that these marketers apply.Spending a few years studying the top marketers may pay big dividends down the road whenyou apply all this knowledge to lesser known marketing niches.

  Many may be skeptical ahout this suggestion, spend two or three years studying topmarketers. you've got to be joking! Not really, it's where that old artist training comes in-artistsspend a lifetime studying the masters. And never regret a minute of it!

  But Just How Do You Find These Marketing Masters?

  Finding the Masters was the hardest part! With so many proclaimed and self-proclaimed "gurus"on the web;finding the genuine article among all the "bovine deposits" was extremely difficult.

  However. it wasn't long before one name kept popping up, again and again.

  Mark Joyner!

  Like him or hate him-no one can dispute that he is "the" master of internet marketing. Many oftoday's marketing techniques such as ad tracking. preselling, email marketing, guerrilla tactics,etc. were invented or perfected by Joyner.

  Joyner is one of the absolute most successful Internet marketers today. He was active on thenet long before most of today's other Internet marketers even knew about it. And there is nodoubt that he really knowshow to market and sell on the Internet.

  One of his greatest successes was his site SearchHound. which he built from scratch, ran on azero marketing budget, and then sold for $4,000,000***$3,000,000 in cash and $1,000,000 instrike warrants*** partly due to the high traffic it received.

  His free ebook "Search Engine Secrets",which he wrote several years ago,has been downloadedmore than a million times ***the last number I heard***, and his quality products has been used fora profit by many grateful marketers all around the world.

  In or out of Internet marketing, Joyner is still a major force that's worth some serious study. Afew hours studying him and his methods will save you from months of trial and error.

  John Reese!

  Another name that keeps popping up-John Reese. This is another marketing expert thatdelivers the "goods"-and the key lies in one word "traffic". Traffic is the lifeblood. heartbeat, andmain factor that will make or break any Internet website. It's the basic reason for the successof any website.

  Reese has figured out how to deliver traffic to any site on the web. But before you jump andbuy some of his Traffic Secrets products-think twice. Is there a better way to get theinformation!

  Please don't get me wrong, if you have the money and are short press for time-by all means,gobuy his products!

  However, if you're on a budget and have some time on your hands-why not go first-hand andstudy his sites.newsletters, blog, etc. Pick them apart piece by piece and you will discover hisreal "secrets". But more importantly you will have a better understanding of them.

  Study the structure and layout of his sites, and see what techniques he uses and simply applythem to yourown websites and marketing methods.

  Google to the Rescue!

  If you're really new to internet marketing, you may be wondering, how do I find these masters,their sites,or their products even? Just use Google and you will find the links you need to getyou started.

  Perhaps, a simple illustration of my own marketing study system would be helpful. Artists lovetechniques and it's the technique or method of learning that's important here. Once you havefigured out a way to study the marketing masters-all the other pieces will fall into place.

  Here's a simple system I use, as mentioned above, traffic is the key to any website's success.Therefore, it would he beneficial for me or anyone to seek out a top SEO ***Search EngineOptimization*** expert and study him or her.

  I used Google to find out who has the top listing/ranking for SEO products and InternetMarketing productsin general. One site and one name kept popping up in the number l positionover and over again. Mike's Marketing Tools run by SEO expert Michael Wong.

  I went in and started studying his site's layout. its linking structure, etc.-this guy knows whathe's doing and he has the rankings to prove it.

  Then I just copied his linking structure and applied it to my own sites. Please note, I am nottalking about "copying per datum" of any source code or material-that's against the law. Butrather the overall design, layout, structure and then taking that information and applying it tomy own sites.

  Three or four days spent studying this master's sites have given me a wealth of informationthat I have applied to my own sites and it's information that I will be able to use for years tocome.

  This is just one example of how you can use this old artist training technique to help you learnmore about Internet marketing. There are many more masters out there, seek them out andstudy them. Your marketing results will thank you!

  And by the way, the van Gogh is still neatly tucked away on my site. It's a matter of learning.He's my constant reminder-if you want to succeed online-copy the Masters.



  我的小小營銷網站上謹慎地貼著幾年前我為一位慈善資金籌集者炮製的一幅文森特·梵高***Vincent van Gogh***的畫像。幾個偶爾撞見這幅畫的網友發郵件對我表示不解——梵高與網際網路營銷?它們之間有什麼聯絡呢?





















  但是,如果你在做預算,而且手頭有的是時間, [7]為什麼不親自研究他的網站、時事通訊和部落格等等。把它們分成一塊一塊地進行研究,你會發現他的真正“祕訣”,但更加重要的是你將對它們有一個更好的理解。













  1.What is the passage about?

  A*** Van Gogh and the emergence of Internet Marketing.

  B*** Studying the masters to obtain marketing secrets.

  C*** The prosperity of art due to Internet marketing.

  D*** Introduction of some famous figures in marketing.

  2.According to the author. what is the best way to Ieani drawing?

  A*** Spending months learning drawing theories.

  B*** Working as a master's assistant.

  C*** Copying the masters works.

  D*** Learning composition charts.

  3.When the author first started Internet marketing,he__________________.

  A*** learnt drawing techniqucs from famous artists

  B*** gained marketing techniques through trial and error

  C*** studied the techniques that marketers summarized

  D*** studied marketing masters

  4.According to the author, to find out marketing masters, it__________________.

  A*** was quite easy

  B*** needed patience

  C*** took a long time

  D*** was very difficult

  5.Mark Joyner's website SearchHound which could be sold at a high price was partlyattributedto_________________.

  A*** his tracking marketing technique

  B*** the high traffic it received

  C*** his active involvement in Internet markets

  D*** his popular ebook "Search Engine Secrets"

  6.What is the key factor that determines the success of any Internet website?

  A*** The operator's mindsets.

  B*** Marketing tools.

  C*** Traffic.

  D*** The quality of goods.

  7.A better idea than simply buying Reese's Traffic Secrets products isto_____________.

  A*** attend his lessons regularly

  B*** download his best-selling books

  C*** study his sites to find out the secrets

  D*** make a study of his life and ideas

  8.The best SEO products run by Michael Wong is_____________________________.

  9.The author doesn't intend to copy per datum of Michael Wong's websitebecause_______________.

  10.The van Gogh's portrait was tucked away on the author's website to serveas________________.




  解析:要想了解文章的主旨得先通觀全文,從文章小標題“透過大師們的眼睛觀察並學習”、“如何找到這些營銷大師”及文章標題,可得出文章是將模仿大師作品的道理推到網路營銷***lnternet marketing***上面來的,因此,本題應選B。

  2.[C][定位]根據題幹中的the best way,learn drawing查詢到第4段首句


  3.[D][定位]根據題幹中的First,started, Internet marketing查詢到第1個小標題Learn By SeeingThrough the Eyesof the Masters!下第2段。

  解析:原文該部分首句提到當作者第一次開始了網際網路營銷的時候,就運用了這種方法。本句中的the samemethod指的是下一句及通篇都提到的study the masters,因此,本題應選D。

  4.[D][定位]根據題幹中的find out,marketing masters查詢到第2個小標題But Just How Do You FindThese Marketing Masters?下首段首句。

  解析:原文該句中的the hardest part表明尋找營銷大師最棘手,選項D是對此的近義改寫,為本題答案。

  5.[B][定位]根據題幹中的SearchHound,sold,high price,partly查詢到第3個小標題Mark Joyner!下第3段。

  解析:題幹是對原文該部分...SearchHound... sold for $4,000,000... partly due to的近義改寫,因此句末due to後的內容即為本題答案。

  6.[C][定位根據題幹中的key factor, determines,the success of any Internet website等詞查詢到第4個小標題John Reese!下首段第3、4句。

  解析:題目要求查詢決定網站成功的主要因索,而原文該部分第3句Traffic is...and main factor的句子結構表明該句主語traffic***業務量***就是題目要求查詢的因素,C符合題目要求,為本題答案。

  7.[C][定位]根據題幹中的better idea,Traffic Secrets products查詢到第4個小標題John Reese!下第2-4段。


  8.[Mike's Marketing Tools]

  [定位]根據題幹中的SEO products查詢到最後一個小標題Google to the Rescue!部分的第4段。

  解析:空白處應為名詞***片語***。定位原文後,可通過run by找到答案為Mike's Marketing Tools。

  9.[it's against the law]

  [定位]根據題幹中的copy per datum等詞查詢到最後一個小標題Google to the Rescue!部分的第6段。

  解析:空白處應為主謂句,與because構成原因狀語從句。原文該句中的主語與題目的主句的內容相同,破折號引出的是對主句的解釋,解釋為什麼不能“copying per datum”,由此可見,破折號引出的內容就是本題答案。

  10.[his constant reminder]

  [定位]根據題幹中的van Gogh's查詢到末段。

  解析:空白處應為名詞***片語***。本題考查作者在網站收藏梵高畫像的用意,而最後一段末句說明了作者的用意,在回答本題時要將原文的my constant reminder換成第三人稱的his constant reminder。
