
General 更新 2025年03月03日


  :Frog and Bullock 蛤蟆和牯牛

  A frog that watched a bullock grazing near resolved she'd try her best to match his girth and height. She was an envious frog. See how she puffs and swells and strains with all her might.

  "Come, tell me, quickly dear, am I as big as he?" she asks a froggy friend.

  "Oh no, my dear, not nearly."

  "Now just you watch me stretch! Look close, and tell me clearly. Well, then! You see? I'm filling out?"

  "It don't seem much to me."

  "Well -- now?"

  "Just like you were at first."

  At last her wild attempts the bounds of nature passed, she never swelled to bullock's size, but strained so hard, she cracked and burst.

  She's not the first, and not the last. No wonder, when the little shop man tries to match thesplendor of the Provost's board. And Hodge the farmer's son spends money like a lord.










  :Praise the Lord 讚美主

  A farmer is driving down the road and spots a sign that reads "Mule For Sale" 。

  He decides to at least look at the mule to see if it is of good quality. He talks to the owner which tells him that the mule is the faster mule alive, and that it is very different from other mules.

  The owner explains to the farmer that the mule will only proceed to walk when the phrase "Praise The LORD" is spoken and the more you say it the faster he will go, to stop the mule, the owner explains you got to say "Hallelujah". The farmer decides to ride the mule to see if the owner is telling the truth. He gets on the mule and screams out ... "Praise the LORD!" the mule takes off the farmer then Yells "Hallelujah!" To which the mule stops. The farmer, seeing that he is a pretty good distance from the owner, decides to see just how fast the mule will go, so he yells out "Praise the LORD" and the mule takes off he repeats the phrase over and over until he is really moving it along.

  The farmer looks up and sees he is coming up on a very high cliff that drops off to a deepcanyon below, and decides he had better stop the mule, when he realized he forgotten what the word was to stop the mule...hoping to hit the right word, he starts rambling andspouting out words... "AMEN!"... "GLORY!"... "SWEET JESUS!"... "AMAZING GRACE!" He sees getting closer and closer to the cliff when right at the edge of the cliff he yells ... "HALLELUJAH!!!" To which the mule stops dead in his tracks. The farmer, out of breath and shaking from the fright wipes the sweat from his brow looks up to heaven and says "Whew! Praise the LORD!"



  賣主告訴農夫那頭驢只有在聽到“讚美主”才會走,而且說的次數越多,那驢就走的越快。賣主說要想讓驢停下來就要喊“哈利路亞”。農夫見他離賣主有一段距離,他決定試試看那頭驢能跑多快。於是,農夫喊道:“讚美主!” ,那頭驢就帶著農夫跑了起來,農夫一遍又一遍的重複著那句話,直到他走了很遠。

  農夫抬起頭看見他已經走進一處懸崖,知道自己該讓驢停下來了。這時,他突然意識到自己不記得讓驢停下來的那句話了。他就開始胡亂的喊“阿門” ,“親愛的主” ,“奇蹟”,眼看著就要到懸崖邊上了,農夫喊道“哈利路亞” 。於是,驢停了下來。農夫屏住呼吸,渾身顫抖,眉頭稍微舒展了,他看看天說道:“喔,讚美主!”

  :Lion and wolf 獅子和狼

  A lion on a lamb had settled down to sup. A mongrel pup about the royal board allowed to wander. Snatched almost from his claws a piece of meat down wander.

  The king of beasts looked on, not minding in the least, for puppy was a young and foolish beast. Observing this, the wolf began to ponder, "This lion seems so meek, he must be very weak!"

  He too put out a paw, some dainty snack to seek. But woe befell the sinner. He went toswell the lion's dinner.

  "My friend," said Lion, as he calmly tore him up. "You saw me spare the dog, it's true. But so indulgent I should hardly be with you. He's young and stupid still, but you are not a pup."





