
General 更新 2025年03月10日



  1. in the dark

  2. in the distance

  3. in the end

  4. in the first place

  5. in the future

  6. in the name of

  7. in the open

  8. in the past

  9. in the way

  10. in the way of

  11. in the world

  12. in this case

  13. in time

  14. in turn

  15. in use

  16. in vain

  17. inquire for

  18. instead of

  19. interfere in

  20. interfere with


  1. join hands with

  2. join in

  3. join up

  4. judging by

  5. jump off

  6. jump sb. out

  7. jump the queue

  8. just about

  9. just as

  10. just now

  11. just the same

  12. just yet

  13. keep an eye on

  14. keep at

  15. keep away

  16. keep back 阻止;隱瞞

  17. keep down 控制;壓服;縮減開支

  18. keep friends with 與…保持友好

  19. keep from 阻止;使免於;隱瞞

  20. keep house 管理家務;做家務


  1. keep in mind 記住

  2. keep in touch 保持聯絡

  3. keep in touch with 和…保持聯絡

  4. keep off 避開;不讓…接近

  5. keep on 繼續進行,反覆地做

  6. keep one's eyes open 留心看著;保持警惕

  7. keep one's temper 忍住性子

  8. keep one's word 守信用,遵守諾言

  9. keep out of 躲開,***使***置身…之外

  10. keep silence 保持沉默,不講話

  11. keep sth. secret 把某事保守祕密

  12. keep to 堅持;固守***習慣等***

  13. keep to oneself 保守祕密,不與人來往

  14. keep up 繼續;堅持,維持

  15. keep up with 跟上,不落後

  16. kill off 消滅,殺光

  17. knock down 撞倒;擊落;拆除

  18. knock off 把…敲掉;擊倒;停工

  19. knock out 敲空;***拳擊中***擊倒

  20. know about 瞭解,知道…的情況


  1. know better than 很懂得***而不至於***

  2. laugh at 因…而發笑;嘲笑

  3. laugh over 笑著談論

  4. lay aside 把…放在一邊;儲存

  5. lay down 放下;鋪設***鐵路***

  6. lay in 貯存,貯藏

  7. lay off 停止;***臨時***解僱

  8. lay out 花費;佈置;擺開

  9. lay over 使延期;塗,覆蓋;壓倒

  10. lay to 把***功、過***歸於

  11. lay up 貯存,儲蓄;暫停使用

  12. lead off 開始,開頭,率先

  13. lead the way 引路,帶路;示範

  14. lead to 通向,導致;引起

  15. lead up to 把…一直帶領到;導致

  16. learn by heart 記住,背誦

  17. learn from 學習,向…學習

  18. learn of 聽到;獲悉…的事

  19. learn off 記熟,背下來

  20. leave alone 不管,不理會;不打擾


  1. leave behind 丟棄;留下;忘記攜帶

  2. leave in the air 擱置,使懸而未決

  3. leave off ***使***停止;停下來

  4. leave out 忽略,遺漏;省略

  5. let alon 不干涉;不碰

  6. let down 放下;降低;使…失望

  7. let go 放開;釋放;發射

  8. let in 讓…進入;放…出來

  9. let loose 放鬆,放開;放出

  10. let off 放***炮***;開***槍***;寬恕

  11. let oneself go 盡情;忘乎所以

  12. let out 放掉***水等***,發出

  13. let sb. into 讓…知道

  14. let up 減小;***雨等***漸漸停止

  15. lie down 躺下;***故意***躺下不幹

  16. lie in 在於;分娩;睡懶覺

  17. lie on 依賴;壓迫;折磨***人***

  18. lie over 等待以後處理

  19. lie up 臥床;***船***入塢

  20. light up 照亮;點***煙***


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