
General 更新 2025年03月05日




  by Piotr Sommer

  Nothing will be the same as it was,

  even enjoying the same things

  won't be the same. Our sorrows

  will differ one from the other and we

  will differ one from the other in our worries.

  And nothing will be the same as it was,

  nothing at all. Simple thoughts will sound

  different, newer, since they'll be more simply, more newly

  spoken. The heart will know how to open up and love

  won't be love anymore. Everything will change.

  Nothing will be the same as it was

  and that too will be new somehow, since after all,

  before, things could be similar: morning,

  the rest of the day, evening and night, but not now.


  The White Room

  by Charles Simic

  The obvious is difficult

  To prove. Many prefer

  The hidden. I did, too.

  I listened to the trees.

  They had a secret

  Which they were about to

  Make known to me——

  And then didn't.

  Summer came. Each tree

  On my street had its own

  Scheherazade. My nights

  Were a part of their wild

  Storytelling. We were

  Entering dark houses,

  Always more dark houses,

  Hushed and abandoned.

  There was someone with eyes closed

  On the upper floors.

  The fear of it, and the wonder,

  Kept me sleepless.

  The truth is bald and cold,

  Said the woman

  Who always wore white.

  She didn't leave her room.

  The sun pointed to one or two

  Things that had survived

  The long night intact.

  The simplest things,

  Difficult in their obviousness.

  They made no noise.

  It was the kind of day

  People described as "perfect."

  Gods disguising themselves

  As black hairpins, a hand-mirror,

  A comb with a tooth missing?

  No! That wasn't it.

  Just things as they are,

  Unblinking, lying mute

  In that bright light——

  And the trees waiting for the night.



  by A. R. Ammons

  I've pressed so

  far away from

  my desire that

  if you asked

  me what I

  want I would,

  accepting the harmonious

  completion of the

  drift, say annihilation,



  The Wine-Drinkers

  by Tennessee Williams

  The wine-drinkers sit on the porte cochère in the sun.

  Their lack of success in love has made them torpid.

  They move their fans with a motion that stirs no feather,

  the glare of the sun has darkened their complexions.

  Let us commend them on their conversations.

  One says "oh" and the other says "indeed."

  The afternoon must be prolonged forever,

  because the night will be impossible for them.

  They know that the bright and very delicate needles

  inserted beneath the surfaces of their skins

  will work after dark—at present are drugged, are dormant.

  Nobody dares to make any sudden disturbance.

  One says "no," the other one murmurs "why?"

  The cousins pause: tumescent.

  What do they dream of? Murder?

  They dream of lust and they long for violent action but none occurs.

  Their quarrels perpetually die from a lack of momentum

  The light is empty: the sun forestalls reflection.


  The Wolf's Postcript to 'Little Red Riding Hood'

  by Agha Shahid Ali

  First, grant me my sense of history:

  I did it for posterity,

  for kindergarten teachers

  and a clear moral:

  Little girls shouldn't wander off

  in search of strange flowers,

  and they mustn't speak to strangers.

  And then grant me my generous sense of plot:

  Couldn't I have gobbled her up

  right there in the jungle?

  Why did I ask her where her grandma lived?

  As if I, a forest-dweller,

  didn't know of the cottage

  under the three oak trees

  and the old woman lived there

  all alone?

  As if I couldn't have swallowed her years before?

  And you may call me the Big Bad Wolf,

  now my only reputation.

  But I was no child-molester

  though you'll agree she was pretty.

  And the huntsman:

  Was I sleeping while he snipped

  my thick black fur

  and filled me with garbage and stones?

  I ran with that weight and fell down,

  simply so children could laugh

  at the noise of the stones

  cutting through my belly,

  at the garbage spilling out

  with a perfect sense of timing,

  just when the tale

  should have come to an end.



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