為什麼要叫喚 Why is he howling
Dentist: Please stop howling. I haven't even touched your tooth yet.
Patient: I know. But you are standing on my foot!
不娶你就能存很多錢 Saving money
Husband: Before I married you, I never thought of saving money.
Wife: And now?
Husband: Now I'm thinking About how much I could have saved if I hadn't married you.
我有的選嗎 Do I have any other choice
One day, Eve asked Adam,"Doyou really love me?"
Adam said helplessly,"Do I have any other choice?"
時間對豬有什麼意義What is Time to a Pig
One day a visitor from the city came to a small rural area to drive around the country roads,see how the farms looked, and perhaps to see how farmers earned their living. The city mansaw a farmer in his yard, holding a pig up in his hands, and lifting it so that the pig could eatapples from an apple tree.
一天,有一個城市裡的遊客來到一個小鄉村,在鄉間路上開著車,想看看農莊是什麼樣子,也想看看農夫怎樣種田過日子。這位城裡人看見一位農夫在宅後的草地 上,手中抱著一頭豬,並把它舉得高高的,好讓它能夠吃到樹上的蘋果。
The city man said to the farmer,” I see that your pig likes apples, but isn”t that quite a waste oftime?” The farmer replied,” What‘s time to a pig?”
城裡人對農夫說,”我看你的豬挺喜歡吃蘋果的,但是,這不是很浪費時間嗎?”那位農夫 回答說,”時間對豬有什麼意義?”
讓你兒子靜下來Calming your son
In the supermarket was a man pushing a cart which contained a screaming, bellowing baby.The gentleman kept repeating softly, "Don't get excited, Albert; don't scream, Albert; don'tyell, Albert; keep calm, Albert."
A woman standing next to him said, "You certainly are to be commended for trying to sootheyour son, Albert."The man looked at her and said, "Lady, I'm Albert."
如夢初醒As If Awakening From A Dream
A competition which subject is on giving up drinking is proceeding. One of lecturers saysexcitedly, " Alcohol can break down conjugal***婚姻的*** relation, even cause your wife to leaveyou… "A man shouts out at the news, "Give me another bottle of Brandy."
死後重生Life After Death
Do you believe in life after death?" the boss asked one of his employees."Yes, Sir." the newrecruit replied."Well, then, that makes everything just fine," the boss went on. "After you leftearly yesterday to go to your grandmother's funeral, she stopped in to see you.“
你相信人死後仍有生命嗎?”老闆問他的一個員工。“是的,先生。”這個新員工回答說。“哦,那麼,這樣說來一切就很正常了,” 老闆繼續說,“在你今早離開,去參加***葬禮,她來看你了。”
拍賣會上At Auction Fair
At auction spot, someone has lost a bag, in which has the vital document.The owner says, "Once who picked it up brings it to me, I will take out 200 dollars to remunerate reward him or her."On hearing the news, another chap shouts out:" I reward 300 dollars."