
General 更新 2025年03月04日



  The Intimate Couple 

  There once was a top and a small ball in a big toy box. The top said to the ball. "We are living in this small box together, so why don't you marry me?" But the ball with a beautiful leather jacket, ignored his proposal.

  The next day, the owner showed up. He painted the top with red and yellow colors and drove an iron nail into it. "Now, it looks perfect!" The owner spun the top round and round. When the top spun, he looked very nice.

  "Look at me! I look great huh? Now, would you marry me?" The top asked the ball again. "We will be a great couple. You can jump up and down, and I can dance."

  But the ball with the great leather jacket ignored him again. "I am wearing a wonderful andelegant leather jacket. There is no comparison between you and me." The ball was still cold. The top begged her to marry him. "But the master loves me very much. Please marry me."

  "No way. I am engaged to a swallow. Whenever I jump up in the air, he asks me to marry him, and I say yes." "Really? Well, then there is nothing I can do about it." The top was very disappointed.

  The next day, the owner brought the ball outside. The ball jumped very high and down. But this time, the ball didn't come down after she jumped up. The owner searched everywhere, but he couldn't find the ball. The top sighed and said, "She must have followed the swallow. I hope she is happy with him."

  But the top could never forget her. A few years passed. The top was all painted with a golden color. When he spun powerfully with a buzz, he looked wonderful.

  One day, he spun so hard and fast that he flew away. The top landed on the roof. The roof was full of all sorts of things.

  "Oh, what is that crumpled thing over there?" The top went close to it. Even though she was worn-out, it was the ball with the leather jacket. "Hi!" The ball couldn't recognize the top because he looked so different than before.

  "It's me. Top." She recognized him and cried. "I didn't follow the swallow. Actually I liked you, but my pride didn't allow me to marry you." After that, the top and the ball got married and lived happily ever after.


  The Swineherd Prince 

  Long ago, there was a handsome prince in a country. He loved a princess of his neighboring country, but she was haughty and stubborn. "I don't want to marry just a normal guy."

  The prince gave her a beautiful rose and a bird as a gift. "Will you marry me?" "You are asking me to marry you with these things?" She rejected his proposal.

  But the prince could not give her up. He tried to come up with a good idea for a long time. "That's right. I have to disguise myself as a swineherd." The prince, disguised as a swineherd, went to the princess' palace.

  The prince made a small and beautiful pot in front of the pigpen. The pot could even sing.

  One day, when the princess passed by the pigpen, the pot began to sing a beautiful song. She really wanted to have this pot. "How much is the singing pot?" "If you kiss me, I will give it to you for free."

  She hesitated for a moment, but she really wanted to have it, and answered. "All right." She kissed the swineherd.

  At that moment, the king saw them kissing. "What are you doing?" The king was so angry that heexpelled her and the swineherd from his palace.

  She was so sad. "If I got married to the prince, this would never happened. "She regretted that she ignored the prince.

  While she was walking with the swineherd, rain began to fall. The rain washed the dirty swineherd's face, and he turned into the beautiful prince. She fell in love with him at first sight and said, "Will you marry me?"

  But the prince said no. "No, I won't. I don't want to marry a woman who kissed a dirty swineherd because of a pot. "The prince said good-bye to the princess and went back home.


  The Feather 

  It was a cold and dark night when the sun set in the west. All of the chickens in the hen house sat on perches, closed their eyes and got ready to sleep. "Good night!" Everyone fell asleep after saying good night to each other.

  However, one hen was sitting up and pecking at her own feathers. This hen was quite famous for laying eggs everyday. In addition, she sometimes made other chickens laugh with jokes.

  As she pecked her feathers, one of her white feathers fell down to the ground suddenly. "Oh, one has come off! But I don't have to feel sorry for it. That means I lost as much weight as one feather." The Hen said as if it was nothing. All the other chickens were sleeping, so none of them could see it.

  There was an owl sitting on a branch next to the hen house. Owl's eyes have keen sight at night. The owl muttered to himself. "I heard it clearly. I heard what the hen said with my sharp ears." But the owl lost interest soon and told this story to a pigeon in his neighborhood.

  "Listen to me. Well, a Hen in the hen house pulled out one of her own feathers to look attractive. How can this happen? "Is it true? That's ridiculous."

  The pigeon burned to tell the story to her friends, so she told it to a barnyard duck in her neighborhood. "Hey, duck. I have some surprising news." "What's up?" "A hen pulled all her feathers out to look pretty." "What a stunning story!"

  The barnyard duck was shocked by the story. "That's unbelievable. If she pulled out all her feathers, she must have a cold and be running a fever." There was a swallow living under the eaves of the duck's house. The barnyard duck told the story to the swallow.

  The swallow was surprised, too. "What an unbelievable story this is. I can't keep quiet. I have to tell this story to everyone." The swallow flew to the sky full of bright moonlight.

  The next morning had broken. "Tweet tweet! Tweet tweet!" Early in the morning, sparrows were sitting down in front of the hen house and chattering. The Chickens felt strange and asked the sparrows. "Excuse me, dear sparrows. What happened?"

  "I have an unbelievable story to tell you. It's very unusual. Well, one hen pulled all her feathers out because she wanted to look attractive. But do you really think she will be beautiful after pulling all of her feathers out? So, the angry hen pulled out all the other hen's feathers. As a result, five chickens died at the same time."

  Then, one hen replied to the sparrow. "Oh, what a pity. How could that happen?" The hen that replied to the sparrow was the one who pulled out her feather last night. The small thing that she pulled her feather out became such huge and shocking news while passing through several of her animal friends.

  "Where did they say the hen was living? I want to meet her." "They said she is living right here." "Here? No way. This is not where she is living." "That's strange. Then, where is she living?" The sparrow shook her head.

  "Definitely not here. I am curious where she lives, too. How on earth can a hen do such a horrible thing?" At that moment, a gust of wind blew, and it carried the hen's feather, which she pulled ort last night, to somewhere else.

