1. Painting is silent poetry,and poetry is a speaking picture. 畫是無聲的詩,詩是有聲的畫。***詩畫***
2. Better than the best. 絕世佳品***萬能廣告語***
3. Construction is solidified art, Art is flowing Construction. 建築是凝固的藝術,藝術是流動的建築。 ***藝術建築***
4. It`s not enough that we do our best, we have to do what`s required. 人盡其力,力盡其能。 ***榮威轎車***
5. Give up to give-up. 永不言敗。***有志者***
6. Believe it or not. ***阿迪達斯*** 信不信,由你
7. The proof of gold is fire;the proof of woman ,gold; the proof of man , a woman. 檢驗黃金者 爐火,檢驗女人者 黃金,檢驗男人者 女人 。 ***富蘭克林***
8. One boy is boy,two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 一子養老,二子分擔,三子無子。 ***計劃生育***
9. Many a friend is better than a lot of wealth. 良朋益友勝富有。***莎士比亞***
10. connecting people ***nokia*** 匯聚你我,***諾基亞***
11. Give me somewhere to stand, and I'll move the earth. ***Archimedes*** 一個支點,成功起點。***阿基米德***
12. In the Company of Masters 尊貴人生 大師隨行 ***奧迪A***
13. A light heart lives long.
14. Delighting You Always. ***canon*** 為您增輝!***佳能***
15. % inspiration is bigger than % perspiration. ***Genius*** 靈感一閃,勝於勞碌一生。***天才***
16. Tomorrow is always the busiest day! 明日復明日,明日何其多,***明天***
17. Where there is marriage without love, there is love without marriage. ***Lover***有姻無愛,就會有愛無姻***情人***
18. Opinion covers over Facts. ***Lawyer*** 雄辯勝於事實。***律師***
19. Anything is possible. 一切皆有可能。------李寧
20. Father And Mother,I Love You! ***family*** 爸爸媽媽,我愛你! ***家庭***
21. Delighting You Always. ***canon*** 為您增輝!***佳能***
1. % inspiration is bigger than % perspiration. ***Genius*** 靈感一閃,勝於勞碌一生。***天才***
2. Tomorrow is always the busiest day! 明日復明日,明日何其多,***明天***
3. Where there is marriage without love, there is love without marriage. ***Lover***有姻無愛,就會有愛無姻***情人***
4. Opinion covers over Facts. ***Lawyer*** 雄辯勝於事實。***律師***
5. Anything is possible. 一切皆有可能。------李寧
6. Father And Mother,I Love You! ***family*** 爸爸媽媽,我愛你! ***家庭***
7. The proof of gold is fire;the proof of woman ,gold; the proof of man , a woman. 檢驗黃金者 爐火,檢驗女人者 黃金,檢驗男人者 女人 。 ***富蘭克林***
8. One boy is boy,two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 一子養老,二子分擔,三子無子。 ***計劃生育***
9. Many a friend is better than a lot of wealth. 良朋益友勝富有。***莎士比亞***
10. connecting people ***nokia*** 匯聚你我,***諾基亞***
11. Give me somewhere to stand, and I'll move the earth. ***Archimedes*** 一個支點,成功起點。***阿基米德***
12. In the Company of Masters 尊貴人生 大師隨行 ***奧迪A***
13. A light heart lives long.服從你的渴望。***雪碧***
14. Painting is silent poetry,and poetry is a speaking picture. 畫是無聲的詩,詩是有聲的畫。***詩畫***
15. Better than the best. 絕世佳品***萬能廣告語***
16. Construction is solidified art, Art is flowing Construction. 建築是凝固的藝術,藝術是流動的建築。 ***藝術建築***
17. It`s not enough that we do our best, we have to do what`s required. 人盡其力,力盡其能。 ***榮威轎車***
18. Give up to give-up. 永不言敗。***有志者***
19. Believe it or not. ***阿迪達斯*** 信不信,由你
20. World in hand , Soul in Cyber. ***Microsoft*** 掌中乾坤, 夢之靈魂。 ***微軟***
21. English means science, English means peace.***English*** 英語意味著科技, 英語意味著和諧。***英語***
1. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演繹,無處不在。***摩托羅拉手機***
2. All your imaginations can be created.***Dell*** 一切依你而為。***戴爾電腦***
3. Think Different. ***APPLE*** 不同凡想 ***電腦***
4. In Search of Excellence. ***Buick*** 志在千里! ***別克轎車***
5. World in hand , Soul in Cyber. ***Microsoft*** 掌中乾坤, 夢之靈魂。 ***微軟***
6. English means science, English means peace.***English*** 英語意味著科技, 英語意味著和諧。***英語***
7. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演繹,無處不在。***摩托羅拉手機***
8. All your imaginations can be created.***Dell*** 一切依你而為。***戴爾電腦***
9. Short love is saddest, 溝通無極限。***摩托羅拉***
10. Focus on life.***Olympus*** 瞄準生活。***奧林巴斯***
11. The new digital era. 數碼新時代。
12. A diamond is forever. 鑽石恆久遠,一顆永流傳.
13. every time a good time 歡樂就在麥當勞
14. Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romantic Only!***MARLBORO***男人只記住浪漫的愛情!***萬寶路***
15. Seeing is not believing ***Hollywood***歲月情,隨“樂”心。***音樂節目廣告詞***
16. 讓快樂張開翅膀,看夢想瞬間綻放。***“夢想中國”節目廣告詞***
17. 品味迎客鬆,獨領中國風。***“迎客鬆”香菸廣告詞***
18. “鑽”心“石”智***鑽石廣告詞***
19. 你的希望,我的可能。***企業廣告詞***
20. 感受陽光,給予希望。***“希望工程”宣傳語***
21. 有酸有甜,有“自”有味。***優酸乳廣告詞***
22. 幸福女人,鑽石人生。***“鑽石”廣告詞***
23. 暢飲杯中往事。***“酒企業”廣告詞***