
General 更新 2025年03月04日



  1. 本合同用英文和中文兩種文字寫成,一式四份。雙方執英文字和中文字各一式兩份,兩種文字具有同等效力。

  The contract is made out in English and Chinese languages in quadruplicate, both texts being equally authentic1, and each Party shall hold two copies of each text.

  2. 本合同由雙方代表於1999年12月9日簽訂。合同簽訂後,由各方分別向本國政府當局申請批准,以最後一方的批准日期為本合同的生效日期,雙方應力爭在60天內獲得批准,用電傳通知對方,並用信件確認。若本合同自簽字之日起,6個月仍不能生效,雙方有權解除本合同。

  This contract is signed by the authorized2 representatives of both parties on Dec. 9, 1999. After signing the contract, both parties shall apply to their respective Government Authorities for ratification3. The date of ratification last obtained shall be taken as the effective date of the Contract. Both parties shall exert their utmost efforts to obtain the ratification within 60 days and shall advise the other party by telex4 and thereafter send a registered letter for confirmation5. ??

  3. 本合同有效期從合同生效之日算起共10年,有效期滿後,本合同自動失效。

  The contract shall be valid6 for 10 years from the effective date of the contract, on the expiry of the validity term of contract, the contract shall automatically become null and void. ??

  4. 本合同期限屆滿時,雙方發生的未了債權和債務不受合同期滿的影響,債務人應向債權人繼續償付未了債務。

  The outstanding 未了的 claims and liabilities債權和債務existing between both parties on the expiry of the validity of the contract shall not be influenced by the expiration7 of this contract. The debtor8 shall be kept liable until the debtor fully9 pays up his debts to the creditor10.



  A: Miss, may I help you?小姐,我可以幫你嗎?

  C: Yes, I just wondered why the price between the ninth and tenth floor is so different?是的,我很奇怪為什麼九樓與十樓的售價有這麼大的差別呢?

  A: It's because of the view.這是因為觀景不同。

  C: Oh! I see. Can you show me the location of BlockⅠ?噢!我明白了,你能否告訴我第一座的位置呢?

  A: Sure. Please take a look at the model of the building. Nice Garden has a total of two blocks which are labeled Block Ⅰ and Block Ⅱ. Block Ⅰ has a total of thirty-eighth levels. The thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth are penthouses. There are four units in one level. The sizes of the units are one thousand square feet and one thousand and five hundred square feet. The size with one thousand square feet has three bedrooms and the biggest size has four bedrooms.當然可以,請過來看大廈模型。麗斯花園共有兩幢,分別是第一座、第二座。第一座共三十八層高,而三十七樓和三十八樓是複式房屋。每層有四套房子。面積有一千平方英尺和一千五百平方英尺兩種。一千平方英尺的有三個臥室,面積最大的房子有四個臥室。

  C: How many elevators are there?一共有多少部電梯?

  A: There are three elevators between one hundred and forty eight units.一百四十八套房子共用三部電梯。

  C: How about the car-park space?停車位呢?

  A: There are a total of one hundred and sixty parking lots on the second and third floor, in which twelve are for visitors and the rest are for residents2.停車場在第二層和第三層,總共一百六十個車位,其中十二個是臨時車位,其餘的是供住戶使用的。

  C: Any other facilities?還有其他設施嗎?

  A: Sure, on the fourth floor is a recreation quarter. There are two swimming pools. One is Olympic standard size and the other one is for children. Also, there is a gymnasium3 for resident1 members only.有的,第四層是康體中心。裡面有兩個游泳池,其中一個是奧林匹克標準泳池,另一個是供兒童使用的。除此之外還有專門為住戶而設的健身房。

  C: When is the completion date?請問工程何時完成?

  A: The completion date will be on July 1st 2007.預計竣工日期為2007年7月1號。

  C: How about the price and the bank mortgage4?售價和銀行按揭如何?

  A: Please check up the price list. The average unit price is five million Hong Kong dollars. There are eight different banks that will provide a seventy percent mortgage loan5. Also, the developer will offer another ten percent mortgage to purchasers.你可以看看價目表。平均售價約港幣五百萬元,有八家銀行提供七成按揭貸款。開發商可提供一成的按揭給認購者。

  C: How many payment6 methods are there?有多少支付種類?

  A: It's all written on the brochure price list. I believe there will be one right for you. Please hurry up because almost half of units have already gone.售價表裡已經詳細列明,我相信其中一定有適合你的。現在認購已經超過五成,你要快點做出決定了。

  C: Thank you. I think I have to talk to the bank representatives. Thank you for your help.謝謝。我想我必須向銀行代表諮詢一下。謝謝你的幫忙。

  A: You're welcome.別客氣。
