落後的英文 落後用英語怎麼說?
underdeveloped adj.發育不全的;不發達的;欠發達的;顯影不足的
backward adj.向後的;智力遲鈍的;羞怯的;猶豫的;線後的;落後的;倒退的
behind the times 落後於時代, 過時, 老式
常用 權威
1. 落後地區
backward areas; less developed areas
2. 總比分落後
lag behind in aggregate score
3. 條件落後
backward conditions
4. 落後產能
outdated capacity
5. 愚昧落後
be ignorant and backward
6. 技術落後
be backward in techniques
7. 貧窮落後
be poor and backward
8. 不甘落後
not reconcile oneself to lagging behind; be not content to lag behind
9. 落後分子
backward element
10. 落後於時尚
fall behind the vogue
11. 帶動落後地區
bring along the underdeveloped regions
12. 落後於對手
trail one's rival
13. 工作上落後
lag behind in one's work
14. 落後的生產工具
backward production tools
15. 謙虛使人進步,驕傲使人落後
modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind
1. 永遠不要自滿,否則會落後於人。
Never be satisfied with yourself, or you will fall behind others.
2. 我不希望我的學生落後於時代。
I don't want my students to fall behind the times.
3. 由於機會減少而落後於其他人。
Lag behind the others due to decreased opportunities.
4. 在協作方面落後於其他學科。
It lags behind other disciplines in collaboration.
5. 程式碼破解從來不會遠遠落後於程式碼編寫。
Code breaking never lags (落後) far behind code making.
6. 因此,日落後的小晚餐變成了一天中的大餐。
So the formerly small supper after sundown becomes the big meal of the day.
7. 擔心在效率上落後。
The fear of falling behind in efficiency.
8. 英國發展落後是我們軟弱的地方政府所導致的。
That the UK lags behind is due to our weak, local government.
9. 按照國際標準,英國落後是因為我們的地方政府軟弱無力。
That the UK lags behind is due to our weak, by international standards, local government.
10. 在為職業女性作出調整方面,家庭方面遠遠落後於工作場所。
The home front lags well behind the workplace in making adjustments for working women.
落後,讀音為luò hòu,漢語詞語,指的是在行進中落在同行者後面;也指不如人;還指遲慢、拖延。例句有“運動場上你追我趕,誰也不肯落後”。 相關古文有“每行軍必爭前鋒,恥落後。”出自清代魏源《聖武記》卷十一,相關近義詞有保守、滯後、過時,反義詞有時髦、超前、長進。
動詞 lag/fall/be behind
1. 虛心使人進步,驕傲使人落後。
Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
2. 計劃的實施已大大落後,不可能按期完成。
The programme has fallen so far behind that there is little chance of meeting the deadline.
3. 畢竟是四十歲的人了,跑了四圈後他漸漸落後。
After all he's a man of forty, so he gradually fell behind others after four laps.
4. (球賽)前半場落後一分
trail behind by one point at half time
5. 工作上落後
lag behind in one's work
6. 落後於時代
trail behind the age/times
7. 落後十年
be ten years behind; be a decade behind
形詞 underdeveloped; backward; behind the times
1. 政府應當儘快採取切實可行的措施改變山區的落後面貌。
The government should take immediate and practical measures to change the backwardness of the underdeveloped mountain areas.
2. 落後的生產工具
backward production tools
3. 落後地區
backward areas; less developed areas
4. 落後產能
outdated capacity
5. 思想落後
backward thoughts/thinking; one's thoughts are far behind the times
6. 技術落後
be backward in techniques