經驗的英文 經驗用英語怎麼說?
experience n.經歷;感受;經驗;給人留下印象的事
go through 經歷, 遭受;仔細(或挨個)搜尋;被正式批准;用光;被連續出版;匆忙離開以躲避責任;潛逃
undergo v.經受;遭受;忍受
常用 權威
1. 經驗論
2. 經驗不足
not experienced enough; lacking experience
3. 點滴經驗
bits of experience
4. 經驗十足
be very experienced
5. 反面經驗
negative experience
6. 傳授經驗
pass on experience
7. 新鮮經驗
new experience
8. 處世經驗
worldly experience
9. 寶貴經驗
valuable experience
10. 經驗全面
have extensive experience
11. 臨床經驗
clinical experience
12. 有經驗
be experienced
13. 唯心經驗論
idealist empiricism
14. 經驗貧乏
lack experience
15. 汲取經驗
draw on the experience (of)
16. 提供經驗
afford experience
17. 飛行經驗
flying experience
18. 經驗成熟
have ripe experience
19. 經驗之談
observation based on personal experience
20. 實踐經驗
practical experience
1. 他積極分享了很多他的寫作經驗。
He shared a lot of his writing experiences actively.
2. 實際經驗可能會影響孩子的偏好。
Hands-on experience may influence children's preference.
3. 發展廣泛的、大眾的知識和經驗。
Develop broad, general knowledge and experience.
4. 他或她可能會問你的資歷和經驗。
He or she will probably ask about your qualifications (資格) and your experience.
5. 他和一位經驗豐富的導遊走在一起。
He walked with an experienced tour guide.
6. 她希望他能和她分享他的裝修經驗。
She wants him to share his renovation experience with her.
7. 他們沒有處理大學問題的經驗。
They are inexperienced in handling their issues at college.
8. 根據您的經驗創造一些有價值的東西。
Make something worthy out of your experience.
9. 但經驗表明,它還是有著不少好處的。
But there are nonetheless several empirically proven benefits.
10. 那些既有技能又有經驗的人。
Those who have both skill and experience.
經驗(英文:experience ),讀音為jīng yàn,漢語詞語,指感性經驗,即人們在實踐基礎上獲得的對客觀現實的感性認識,是一切認識的起點;也指對於感性經驗所進行的概括和總結;也指直接接觸客觀事物的過程。例句有“酸甜苦辣都是營養,成功失敗都是經驗” 近義詞是閱歷,反義詞是無知。相關內容有“不過高情難卻,所以只得將自己所經驗的瑣事寫一點在下面。” 出自魯迅的 《二心集·答北斗雜誌社問》。
名詞 experience
1. 知識是經驗的總結。
Knowledge is experience generalized.
2. 他有豐富的經商經驗。
He has wide business experience.
3. 你比我更有經驗。
You are senior to me in experience.
4. 根據親身經驗
according to one's own experience
5. 間接/直接經驗
indirect/direct experience
6. 工作/教學經驗
work/teaching experience
7. 處世/實踐經驗
worldly/practical experience
8. 在商界沒有經驗
be unversed in the world of business; have little experience/be poorly experienced in the world of business
9. 在管理上很有經驗
be highly experienced in management; have rich experience in management
10. 從經驗中學習
learn by/from/through experience
11. 經驗豐富,理論不足
be long on experience but short on theory
12. 經驗豐富
be very/sufficiently experienced; be well-experienced; have rich experience
13. 總結經驗
sum up/summarize one's experience
14. 增長經驗
add to/enlarge/widen one's experience
15. 吸取經驗
extract experience
16. 提供經驗
afford experience
17. 缺乏經驗
lack experience; be short of experience; be inexperienced
18. 交流經驗
exchange/swap experience
19. 積累經驗
accumulate experience
20. 獲得經驗
acquire/gain/get experience
21. 彙集多方經驗
pool experience
22. 共享經驗
share experience
23. 豐富經驗
enrich one's experience
24. 摸索經驗
acquire experience by trial and error
25. 傳授經驗
pass on experience
動詞 go through; experience; undergo
1. 這樣的事,我從來沒有經驗過。
I have never experienced a situation like this.