新年的英文 新年用英語怎麼說?
new year n.新年;元旦;一年的頭幾天
new year n.新年;元旦;一年的頭幾天
常用 權威
1. 新年伊始
beginning of a new year
2. 新年祝詞
New Year speech
3. 新年禮包
New Year gift pack
4. 陰曆新年
lunar New Year
5. 新年致辭
New Year message
6. 新年寄語
New Year message
7. 新年舞會
New Year ball
8. 新年賀詞
New Year message
9. 迎來新年
usher in the New Year
10. 慶新年
celebrate the New Year
11. 歡歡喜喜過新年
spend a joyful Spring Festival
1. 新年的早晨,愛德華早早起床了。
Edward rose early on the New-year morning.
2. 餃子是中國新年最重要的食物之一。
Jiaozi is one of the most important foods in Chinese New Year.
3. 紅色在中國新年慶祝活動中很受歡迎。
The red color was popular for Chinese New Year celebrations.
4. 小學教室慶祝文化節日——農曆新年!
Elementary school classrooms celebrate cultural holidays--Lunar New Year!
5. 新年音樂會太棒了,沒有人中途離開。
The New Year Concert was so amazing that nobody left in the middle of it.
6. 在很多國家,新年是在一月的第一天。
In many countries, New Year's Day falls on the first day of January.
7. 人們經常在農曆新年的前一天晚上表演它。
People often perform it the night before the Chinese New Year.
8. 韓國新年是韓國人和家人慶祝傳統的時間。
Solnal is a time for Koreans to celebrate the traditions with their family.
9. 韓國人與其他東亞國家一起慶祝農曆新年--Solnal。
Koreans celebrate Solnal, the lunar New Year, with other East Asian countries.
10. 這就是為什麼在中國新年和其他慶祝活動中使用紅包的原因。
That is why red packets are used during Chinese New Year and other celebrations.
名詞 New Year
1. 新年快樂!
Happy New Year!
2. 新年賀詞
New Year message
3. 迎來新年
usher in the New Year
4. 慶新年
celebrate the New Year
名詞 new year
1. 祝你新年好運。
I wish you the best of luck in the new year.
2. 新年新打算
new resolutions in a new year
3. 新年伊始
at the beginning of the new year
4. 迎新年
see the new year in; hail the new year