在週末的英文 在週末用英語怎麼說?
at weekends 在週末;週末
常用 重點詞彙
1. 學生可以在週末參加學校的這些休閒活動。
A student can join in these leisure activities in the school at weekends.
2. 所以如果你們在週末有空閒時間,請加入我們。
So if any of you have some free time during the weekend, please come join us.
3. 我想現在就把這封信寄出去,這樣你就能在
I want to post this letter now so you can get it by the weekend.
4. 在週末我感到鬆快多了。
I felt much relieved at weekend.
5. 你通常只限於在週末劃幾個小時船。
Your boating will mostly be confined to a few hours at weekends.
6. 報紙預測他會在週末過後辭職。
The papers prophesied that he would resign after the weekend.
7. 在週末,她通常加入漢語俱樂部。
On weekends, she usually joins the Chinese club.
8. 在週末,準備好下週要用的東西。
On the weekend, get your things ready for the next week.
9. 你會賴床或者在週末很晚才睡嗎?
Are you preoccupied with sleep, or do you sleep late on the weekends?
10. 內斯塔在週末看上去跟不上節奏。
Nesta looked off-pace over the weekend.
at weekends