開的英文 開用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-01-11


open adj.開著的;露天的;展開的;營業著的;對…開放;坦率的;坦誠的;懸而未決的;容許爭議的;開的;開放的;開路的;斷路的;鬆散的

turn on 開;突然攻擊;作為重要(或感興趣)的話題

switch on 接通;開啟

be on 上;將基於;上須

operate v.操作;動手術;實施;生效;運作;經營;被經營;在特定地區(或由特定基地)展開軍事活動;作戰

leave v.離開;離去;讓…留下;使處於某種狀態;離職;剩下;寄存;輟學;遺贈;忘記帶走

move v.動;移動;改變位置;改變狀態;進展;發展;在…中進行社交活動;動議;提議;使(腸)排空

start v.發生;開始;使開始;使發生;驚起;驚跳

open out 開啟;敞開;揭示

come loose 散;鬆掉;鬆動

open up 敞開心扉;開火

reclaim v.重新得到;收回;取回;要求歸還;要求恢復;開墾;開拓;改造;回收利用;感化

put an end to 使終止;使結束;殺死

set up 建立, 創立;安排, 策劃;發出聲響

run v.跑;奔;奔忙;透過;傳遞;迅速傳播;傳開;流動;行駛;管理;經營;負責;開動;操作;運轉;繼續;持續;具有法律效力;起作用;競選;當候選人;出版;刊登;被出版;被刊登;偷運;走私;花費

write out 寫出;使…不再出場

make a list of phr.列出一張…單子

prescribe v.開;為…開處方;規定;指定;推薦;推舉;按規定行事的

begin v.開始;起源;有可能

boil v.煮沸;燒開;煮;燙;翻騰;洶湧;沸騰;達到沸點;把(壺、鍋等)裡面的液體煮沸

kick out 踢出去;開除;把球踢出界

eat up 吃光;吃盡;吃完

divide into 把……分成;分為;分割成

carat n.克拉;開

K n.(K)英語字母表中第十一個字母

Kelvin n.開(國際單位制中熱力學溫度的基本單位);(Kelvin)人名:開爾文

常用 權威



1. 開電梯

operate a lift

2. 開汽車

drive a car

3. 開墾荒地

reclaim wasteland

4. 開天價

ask for an absurd price

5. 開茶話會

have a tea party

6. 二十四開

(of gold) 24-carat;(of book or paper size) 24 mo

7. 開火車

drive a train

8. 開茶館

run a teahouse

9. 開舞場

run a commercial dance hall

10. 開機槍

fire a machine-gun

11. 開窗戶

open a window

12. 開賭局

hold a gambling party

13. 開創新傳統

start a new tradition

14. 開國際開玩笑

make a huge joke

15. 鑿山開隧道

tunnel a hill

16. 開創新階段

open a new phase

17. 開香檳酒慶祝

celebrate sth with champagne

18. 開創新品牌

launch a new brand

19. 開創新時代

usher in a new era

20. 單腳跳著跑開了

hop away on one foot


1. 過了起跑線不久,我的鞋帶就了。

Shortly after crossing the start line, my shoe laces (鞋帶) became untied.

2. 老實說,我不需要第二個工作室。

Honestly, I didn't need to open a second studio.

3. 如果我成功經營了一家,我會更多。

If I succeed in managing one, I will open more.

4. 但當他把車往前一點時,繩子斷了。

But as he moved the car a little further forward, the rope broke.

5. 抗生素處方可能對病人的健康有害。

Prescription of antibiotics can be harmful to patients' health.

6. 如果你不自己的車,那麼你還省油了。

If you aren't driving your own car, then you are saving on fuel.

7. 它們是由訓練有素的執業醫生的處方。

They are prescribed by trained practitioners.

8. 她了一個午餐賬戶。

She opened a lunch account.

9. 就好像你在手動擋。

It's as if you're driving a stick shift.

10. 蘇鐵的花每年一次。

The flowers of Cycads come out once a year.





動詞 open

1. 再開一瓶酒。

Let's crack another bottle.

2. 鎖打不開。

The lock won't open.

3. 門開著。

The door is open.

4. 在牆上開個洞

make a hole in the wall

5. 開罐頭/瓶

open a can/bottle

6. 開窗戶

open a window

動詞 turn on; switch on; be on

1. 電視機開著。

The TV is on.

2. 開電燈/電視/空調

turn/switch on the light/TV/air conditioner

動詞 (of machines, vehicles, etc) drive; operate

1. 開汽車

drive a car

2. 開飛機

fly/pilot an airplane

3. 開機器

operate/run a machine

4. 開電梯

operate a lift

5. 開船

sail a ship

動詞 (of vehicles) depart; leave; move; start

1. 輪船開走了。

The vessel steamed off.

2. 火車開進站了。

The train pulled/moved in.

3. 班車什麼時候開?

When does the bus start/leave?

動詞 open out

1. 花開了。

The flower bloomed.

動詞 come loose

1. 鞋帶開了。

The shoe lace came undone.

2. 領帶開了。

The tie has come loose.

動詞 (of a frozen river) thaw out

1. 河開了。

The river is navigable/open now.

動詞 open up; reclaim

1. 開運河

dig a canal

2. 開50畝水稻田

open up 50 mu of paddy fields

動詞 lift (a ban, restriction, etc); put an end to

動詞 (of troops, etc) set out

動詞 set up; run; start

動詞 hold (a meeting, an exhibition, etc)

動詞 write out; make a list of; prescribe

動詞 begin; start

動詞 pay (wages, fares, etc)

動詞 boil

動詞 fire (an employee); kick out; be fired from one's job

動詞 eat up

動詞 (of weather) clear up

動詞 divide into [used to express a ratio between two things considered as parts of a whole which is 10]

量詞 division of standard size printing paper

量詞 carat

1. 二十開的金戒指

20-carat gold ring; gold ring of 20 carats

2. 24開金

24-carat gold; gold 24 carats fine

3. 開為黃金純度單位,純金為24開。

Carat is the unit of measurement of the purity of gold. Absolute purity is taken as 24 carats.

量詞 K; Kelvin

動詞 [indicating separation or departure]

1. 閃開!

Get out of the way!

2. 走開

go/walk away

3. 砸開門

force open a door

4. 推開窗戶

push the window open

5. 撕開

tear apart

6. 鋪開

spread out

7. 分開

part; separate

8. 躲開

stand aside

動詞 [indicating the beginning and continuation of an action]

1. 西安一到五月就熱開了。

Hot weather sets in early in May in Xi'an.

2. 他嚇得哆嗦開了。

He began to shiver with fear.

3. 哭開了

begin to cry; start crying

4. 唱開了

begin to sing

動詞 [indicating spreading]

1. 喜訊很快就在校園裡傳開來了。

The good news got about the campus instantly. / The good news spread rapidly on the campus.

2. 流感迅速蔓延開了。

The flu spread quickly.

動詞 [indicating capacity]

1. 這屋太小,我們坐不開。

The room is not big enough to seat all of us.

2. 屋裡只能放得開一張床和一個桌子。

There is just enough space for a bed and a table in the room.

動詞 [indicating resignation]

動詞 [indicating clarity]

動詞 [indicating popularity]

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