釋放的英文 釋放用英語怎麼說?
release v.釋放;排放;解放;免除;解除;解除對…的限制;免除…的義務;解放…的力量;公佈;釋出;公開發行
set free 自由;解脫;釋放
discharge v.釋放;允許…離開;將…釋放出來;履行;完成;撤銷;讓…出院;使…退伍
let out 放出, 釋放
常用 權威
1. 能量釋放
energy liberation/release
2. 釋放裁定書
rulings of acquittal
3. 記憶體釋放
memory deallocation
4. 釋放程式
release procedure
5. 釋放出獄
release sb from prison
6. 釋放人質
free the hostages
7. 釋放囚犯
release a prisoner
8. 釋放能量
release energy
9. 釋放證書
release certificate
10. 釋放壓力
release stress
11. 當庭釋放
be released by court
12. 潛熱釋放
latent heat release
13. 釋放無罪者
acquit the innocent
14. 釋放出獄令
order of release
15. 做出無罪釋放的判決
make a sentence of acquittal
1. 土壤耕作釋放二氧化碳,運輸車輛排放廢氣。
Soil tilling releases carbon dioxide, and delivery vehicles emit exhaust.
2. 使用微波釋放的二氧化碳比人們想象的要多。
The use of microwaves emits more CO2 than people think.
3. 我知道這種感覺,我的建議是:把它釋放出來。
I know the feeling and here is my advice: just get it out.
4. 當你感到尷尬時,你的大腦會釋放一劑腎上腺素。
When you're embarrassed, your brain releases a shot of adrenaline (腎上腺素).
5. 直覺的特殊力量只有在某些情況下才會釋放出來。
Intuition's special powers are unleashed only in certain circumstances.
6. 它們向空氣中釋放大量的溫室氣體(尤其是二氧化碳)。
They give off a lot of greenhouse gases (溫室氣體) (especially CO2) into the air.
7. 老鼠們釋放了這個社交機器人,因為它們試圖練習逃跑的方法。
The rats released the social robot because they tried to practice a means of escape.
8. 歐洲已有的這種微波爐加熱方式儲存的可釋放的二氧化碳量相當於近700萬輛汽車的排放量。
Europe's stock of these quick-cooking ovens emit as much carbon as nearly 7 million cars.
9. 警察逮捕了蛇頭,但釋放了其他人。
Police arrested the snakehead but let the others go free.
10. 呼吸能使食物中的能量在活細胞中釋放出來。
Respiration releases energy from food in living cells.
釋放,漢語詞語,拼音shì fàng,注音ㄕㄧˋ ㄈㄤˋ,指恢復被拘押者或服刑者的人身自由。也指把所含的物質或能量放出來。
動詞 release; set free; discharge
1. 釋放的犯人
returned/released convict
2. 釋放出獄
release sb from prison
3. 刑滿釋放
be released upon completion of a sentence
4. 提前釋放
be released before the sentence expires
5. 取保釋放
be released on bail; be bailed out
6. 釋放戰俘
release/free/discharge war prisoners
7. 釋放無罪者
acquit the innocent
8. 釋放人質
free the hostages
9. 釋放囚犯
release a prisoner
動詞 release; let out
1. 釋放水分以降低皮膚的溫度
release water to cool the skin
2. 釋放氣球中的空氣
let the air out of the balloon
3. 釋放壓力
release stress
4. 釋放能量
release energy