電視機的英文 電視機用英語怎麼說?
television/TV set; television receiver
1. 數碼電視機
digital television set; DTV set
2. 寬屏電視機
wide-screen TV receiver
3. 彩色電視機
colour television set; colour TV
4. 等離子電視機
plasma TV
5. 電視機罩
TV cover
6. 黑白電視機
black-and-white television set
7. 行動式電視機
portable TV set
8. 高解析度電視機
high-resolution television
9. 拔電視機的電源
unplug the television
1. 昨晚我沒有看電視,因為我的電視機壞了。
I didn't watch TV last night, because my TV set was broken.
2. 即使她的晚飯在桌子上,她也不會離開電視機。
She won't leave the TV set, even though her supper is on the table.
3. 我開始發現這臺電視機有一個關於靜電噪音的問題。
I started developing a problem with the set that involved static(靜電) noise.
4. 在電視機前。
In front of the television.
5. 這個電視機能收到100個頻道。
This is a hundred-channel TV set.
6. 有些電視機預熱時影象會發生漂移。
The image in some television sets drift during warm-up.
7. 新電視機使原來那個相形見絀。
The new TV set leaves/puts/throws the old one into the shade.
8. 在房子的角落放著一臺電視機。
There was a television set in the corner of the room.
9. 這電視機不但效能好,外表也很漂亮。
This television set not only performs satisfactorily, but also looks beautiful.
10. 這個村裡家家都有電視機。
Every family in this village has a TV set.