激勵的英文 激勵用英語怎麼說?
encourage v.激勵;鼓舞;鼓勵;支援;激發;促進;助長
impel v.驅使;迫使;催促;推進;驅動
inspire v.激勵;激發;鼓舞;吸;吸入;引起;導致;喚起;以(正面感情)鼓舞;使產生
urge v.力勸;懇求;鼓勵;強烈要求;激勵;竭力主張;使加快;使加速
spur n.踢馬刺;靴刺;刺激;鼓勵;鞭策;鼓舞;主體上的突出物或分叉物;支架;支柱
excite v.使激動;使興奮;刺激;引起;激起;激發;激勵;激起…的性慾
drive v.駕車;開車;推動;驅動;趕;驅趕;迫使;逼迫;趕走;會開車
常用 權威
1. 激勵放大器
exciting/driver amplifier
2. 激勵器
driver; exciter; stimulator
3. 激勵變壓器
driver transformer
4. 激勵功率
exciting power
5. 激勵裝置
excitation set
6. 激勵整流器
exciter rectifier
7. 激勵電流
exciting/excitation current
8. 隱性激勵
implicit incentive
9. 場激勵器
field exciter
10. 激勵管
excitron; driver tube
11. 激勵民眾
inspire the public
12. 激勵機制
incentive mechanism
13. 激勵系統
excitation system
14. 薪酬激勵
compensation incentive
15. 場激勵電源
field power supply
16. 為愛國心所激勵
be prompted by patriotism
17. 用英雄事蹟激勵自己
draw inspiration from heroic deeds
1. 她希望能激勵牙買加人放下武器。
She hopes to inspire the Jamaicans to lay down their weapons.
2. 演出的靈感激勵他重新設計報紙。
Inspiration from the performance encouraged him to redesign the newspapers.
3. 她可能會激勵全世界的小說家。
She could be an inspiration to novelists all over the world.
4. 我最看重的激勵因素是自主性。
The motivator I value most is autonomy.
5. 學生很難被每月目標所激勵。
Students are hardly motivated by monthly goals.
6. 其他人則更受協作和社會經驗的激勵。
Others are more motivated by collaboration and social experiences.
7. 他們激勵他們獨立思考。
They motivate them to think independently.
8. 當人們遛狗時,這也激勵了人們鍛鍊身體。
When people are walking their dogs, it encourages exercise.
9. 它將激勵醫生和藥劑師尋找治療衰老的方法。
It will motivate doctors and pharmacists to find ways to treat aging.
10. 激勵熱門科幻電視劇。
Inspires popular sci-fi TV series.
無論是 電能的傳輸和轉換 電路,還是 訊號的傳遞和變換電路,其中 電源或訊號源向電路輸入的 電壓和 電流起推動電路工作的作用,稱為激勵。
動詞 encourage; impel; inspire; urge; spur
1. 將軍激勵戰士們勇敢作戰。
The general incited/spurred the soldiers to fight bravely.
2. 他刻苦工作的態度不斷激勵著我們每個人。
His hard work is a constant inspiration to us all.
3. 成功能激勵人更加努力。
Success will stimulate/urge/impel/stir/inspire a person to further efforts.
4. 用英雄事蹟激勵自己
draw inspiration from heroic deeds
5. 為高尚的理想所激勵
be actuated/animated by high ideals
6. 為愛國心所激勵
be prompted by patriotism
7. 激勵自己行動起來
rouse/stir/arouse oneself to action
8. 激勵民眾
inspire the public
動詞 excite; drive