看望的英文 看望用英語怎麼說?
call on 要求;號召;拜訪(某人)
visit v.訪問;拜訪;使某人遭受;參觀;探望;視察;檢查;巡視;閒聊;遊覽
see v.看到;看見;領悟;理解;看望;探望;意外遇見;護送;與…下同樣賭注
常用 權威
1. 看望鄉黨
visit a country fellow
2. 看望母親
visit one's mother
3. 看望老同學
call on an old classmate
4. 看望鄉里
visit a country fellow
5. 看望病人
visit a patient
6. 準備看望父母
intend to visit one's parents
1. 去年冬天,我和丈夫去那裡看望了他。
Last winter my husband and I visited him there.
2. 我要花一些時間去看望我的姑姑露西。
I will take some time to visit my aunt Lucy.
3. 在營地逗留期間,她去看望了貧困地區的孩子。
During her stay in the camp, she went to visit some kids in poor areas.
4. 我們還沒有決定什麼時候去看望我們的祖父母。
We haven't decided when to visit our grandparents.
5. 老格林先生並不感到孤獨,因為有些學生經常來看望他。
Old Mr. Green doesn't feel lonely because some students visit him regularly.
6. 路過的時候,我會順道看望你的。
I’ll drop in on you while I am passing.
7. 老同學從鄉下遠道來看望咱們,咱們不能外待了人家。
Our old classmates have come all the way from the countryside to see us; we have no reason to treat them as outsiders.
8. 我們被剝奪了看望孫兒的權利。
We were denied access to our grandson.
9. 我把很多時間用來看望親戚。
Much of my time is spent visiting relatives.
10. 他看望了即將逝世的母親。
He visited his dying mother.
看望 kànwàng 同義:探望;拜望;探訪;探視。指到長輩或親友處問候。
動詞 call on; visit; see
1. 看望病人
visit a patient
2. 看望老同學
call on an old classmate