狹窄的英文 狹窄用英語怎麼說?
narrow adj.窄的;狹的;狹窄的;有侷限的;勉強的;差點兒未成功的;很險的;狹隘的;含義精確(或嚴格)的;嚴式的
cramped adj.患痙攣的;感到受限制的;使人感到受限制的;受束縛的;小而難認的
contracted adj.收縮了的;契約的;已定約的;狹小的
stenosis n.狹窄
stricture n.限制;束縛;約束;指責;非難;苛評;狹窄
常用 權威
1. 食管狹窄
2. 幽門狹窄
pyloric stenosis
3. 膽管狹窄
4. 三尖瓣狹窄
tricuspid stenosis
5. 主動脈狹窄
aortic stenosis
6. 心地狹窄
be narrow-minded
7. 涎管狹窄
8. 二尖瓣狹窄
mitral stenosis
9. 尿道狹窄
urethral stricture
10. 骨盆狹窄
contracted pelvis;contracted pelvis
11. 肛門狹窄
stricture of anus
12. 兩島之間狹窄的通道
narrow slot between two islands
13. 侷限於狹窄的範圍內
be restricted within narrow limits
14. 航道上的狹窄部分
constriction in a water way
1. 也沒有人喜歡心胸狹窄的人。
And no one likes bad sports either.
2. 消防員趕到現場,搜查了另一間臥室的壁櫥和狹窄的床。
Firefighters arrived and after searching the closet and narrow beds in another bedroom.
3. 這隻棕色的動物被發現卡在辦公樓一個狹窄的窗戶邊上。
The brown animal was spotted stuck on a narrow window edge of the office tower.
4. 有些人似乎願意在他們狹窄的專業領域裡夜以繼日地工作。
Some people seem willing to work around the clock in their narrow specialty.
5. 一輛老式卡車從狹窄的街道隆隆開過。
An old lorry rumbled down the narrow street.
6. 他的交際圈很狹窄。
He has a narrow circle of friends.
7. 此處河面狹窄。
The river narrows at this point.
8. 心胸狹窄、反對進步的勒德分子。
A small-minded Luddite resisting progress.
9. 一段狹窄的樓梯陡陡地通到下面。
[with obj.]a narrow flight of stairs descended a steep slope.
10. 房間空而狹窄,看不出個人色彩。
The room was bare, cramped, and impersonal.
狹窄(英文:narrow),讀音為xiá zhǎi,漢語詞語,指寬度小,也指範圍小,還指心胸、見識等不宏大寬廣。例句為“不讀書不看報的人,知識面必然狹窄”。 近義詞為狹隘、渺小、侷促。反義詞為坦蕩、開朗、空曠。該成語出自《三國志·魏志·李典傳》:“賊焦故退,疑必有伏。 南道狹窄,草木深,不可追也。 ”
形詞 narrow; cramped; contracted
1. 此處河面狹窄。
The river narrows at this point.
2. 兩島之間狹窄的通道
narrow slot between two islands
3. 航道上的狹窄部分
constriction in a water way
4. 狹窄的小巷/人行道/走廊
narrow lane/sidewalk/corridor
形詞 (of mind, experience, etc) narrow and limited; narrow
1. 他的交際圈很狹窄。
He has a narrow circle of friends.
2. 知識面狹窄
have a narrow scope of knowledge; be limited in knowledge
3. 心地/心胸狹窄
have a narrow mind; be narrow-minded
4. 思路狹窄
have a blinkered way of thinking
5. 見識狹窄
be limited in knowledge and narrow in experience
名詞 stenosis; stricture
1. 尿道狹窄
urethral stricture
2. 骨盆狹窄
contracted pelvis