可惜的英文 可惜用英語怎麼說?
regrettable adj.使人後悔的;令人遺憾的;可惜的;可悲的
regrettably adv.令人遺憾地;不幸地
treasure n.財富;珠寶;珍品;可愛的人;難得的人
常用 權威
1. 可惜我太忙,不能陪你們去。
Regrettably, I am too busy to go with you.
2. 我今晚不能來,太可惜了。
I won’t be able to come this evening; more’s the pity.
3. 半途而廢,實在太可惜
It was really a pity/shame that you gave it up halfway.
4. 這是一件非常可惜的事。
This is a most regrettable thing.
5. 我本想兩場音樂會都去聽聽,可惜撞車了。
It’s a pity the two concerts clash; I wanted to go to both of them.
6. 我倒不是可惜錢,問題是有錢也買不到那些書。
It’s not that I care about the money; the problem is that no amount of money can buy those books.
7. 如果你不喜歡它,那真是可惜。
If you don't like it then hard luck.
8. 想咬你一口,可惜我是回民。 。
Want to bite you, but I am hui.
9. 可惜的是,這些指控很少是真的。
Sadly, there is usually at least a little validity to these charges.
10. 我沒有看到那個大明星,真可惜!
I didn't see the pop star, which is a pity!
可惜,漢語詞彙。 拼音:kě xī 釋義:值得惋惜;愛惜等 可惜不是你
形詞 regrettable
1. 真可惜!
What a pity!
2. 這是一件非常可惜的事。
This is a most regrettable thing.
3. 我今晚不能來,太可惜了。
I won't be able to come this evening; more's the pity.
4. 半途而廢,實在太可惜了。
It was really a pity/shame that you gave it up halfway.
副詞 regrettably
1. 可惜我太忙,不能陪你們去。
Regrettably, I am too busy to go with you.
動詞 value highly and use prudently; treasure
1. 我倒不是可惜錢,問題是有錢也買不到那些書。
It's not that I care about the money; the problem is that no amount of money can buy those books.