答應的英文 答應用英語怎麼說?
answer n.回答;回覆;答覆;應答;正確答案;解決辦法;答案;對應物;相當的人
reply v.回答;答覆;回信;覆信;回應;回擊
respond v.作答;回答;應答;唱和;作出反應;對(刺激)作出快速反應;對(治療)有積極反應;作應叫
promise n.允諾;諾言;承諾;保證;可能;前途;指望;出息
consent n.同意;贊成;准許
agree v.同意;贊同;與…一致
make a promise 做出允諾;許了諾言;做出承諾
常用 權威
1. 答應幫忙
promise to help
2. 強求答應
exact a promise (from sb)
3. 答應要求
grant sb's demands
4. 順口答應
say ‘yes' without much thinking
5. 痛快地答應
readily agree
6. 答應請願要求
grant a petition
1. 他媽媽答應在工作日帶他去動物園。
His mother promised to take him to the zoo on weekdays.
2. 你答應過我們會及時到家的。
You promised we'd be home in time.
3. 我已經答應弗蘭克和他一起寫生物報告。
I have promised Frank to work on the biology report with him.
4. 我很愚蠢地答應了。
Rather stupidly, I said yes.
5. 維尼還沒來得及答應,總統就急忙走了,聲音中帶著一絲歉意。
Before Vinnie could say yes, the President hurried on, a shade of apology in his voice.
6. 答應過的事不算數,這可來不得。
You must not go back on what you’ve promised.
7. 別跟我泡蘑菇了,我不會答應的。
Stop pestering me; I won’t agree.
8. 衝著咱們的老交情,我答應這麼做。
For old times’sake, I promise you to do it.
9. 他謙虛了一番,終於答應了我的邀請。
After making a few modest remarks he finally accepted my request.
10. 起頭他答應過來,後來又改變了主意。
At first he promised to come but later he changed his mind.
動詞 answer; reply; respond
1. 問你呢,你怎麼不答應。
I was asking you, why didn't you answer?
動詞 promise; consent; agree; make a promise
1. 他媽不答應這門親事。
His mother refused her consent to the marriage. / His mother didn't approve (of) the marriage.
2. 她答應我下不為例。
She gave me her promise that she would never do that again.
3. 答應請求
accede to/comply with a request
4. 答應保守秘密
promise to keep it a secret