便利的英文 便利用英語怎麼說?
convenient adj.方便的;合適的;省事的;近便的;合宜的;易於到達的;適時的
easy adj.容易的;不費力的;安逸的;舒適的;易受攻擊的;無防備的;易受抨擊的;水性楊花的;放蕩的;從容的
facilitate v.使…更容易;使便利
常用 權威
1. 便利店
convenience store
2. 交通便利
have traffic facilities; be accessible
3. 予以便利
offer convenience (to)
4. 便利的良港
good and convenient harbour
1. 從網際網路上獲取資訊的便利性。
The ease of accessing information from the Internet.
2. 給顧客提供便利的食物。
Offer convenient food to customers.
3. 他們會從便利店買東西。
They will buy something from the convenience stores.
4. 大多數加油站都附帶便利店,這不是偶然的。
It's no accident that most gas stations have convenience stores attached.
5. 這篇文章最好的標題可能是隱形眼鏡和便利。
The best title of this passage probably is Contact Lenses and Convenience.
6. 這既涼爽又便利。
It is cool and convenient.
7. 食品雜貨店是購買廚房物品和其他物品的便利場所。
A grocery store is a convenient place to shop for the kitchen and others.
8. 道森沒有任何像倫敦或巴黎那樣的城市的自然便利。
Dawson did not have any of the natural conveniences of cities like London or Paris.
9. 它可以幫助更多的人來西藏旅遊,給當地人民帶來交通便利。
It can help to make more people visit Tibet and bring traffic convenience to local people.
10. 許多現代發明便利了家務勞動。
Many modern inventions have facilitated housework.
便利(讀音:biàn lì),釋義為敏捷、伶俐、方便等。例句有“那座大橋的修建便利了兩岸的交通。” 近義詞有方便,容易。反義詞有障礙,不便,麻煩。
形詞 convenient; easy
1. 該城交通便利,四通八達。
The city provides easy access from all directions.
2. 提供便利條件
provide favourable conditions/conveniences
3. 交通便利
have good transport facilities; be conveniently located; have good transport service; be easily accessible
動詞 facilitate
1. 許多現代發明便利了家務勞動。
Many modern inventions have facilitated housework.
2. 為了便利群眾
for the convenience of the masses