哭泣的英文 哭泣用英語怎麼說?
weep v.流淚;哭泣;滲液體;哭著說;哀悼
sob v.啜泣;抽噎;哭訴;嗚咽著說
常用 權威
1. 一陣哭泣
a fit of weeping
2. 幽咽的哭泣
low sobs; whimpers
3. 因羞愧而哭泣
weep out of shame
4. 為自己的不幸而哭泣
weep over one's misfortunes
1. 有五隻害怕同時又哭泣的小貓。
There were five scared baby cats crying together.
2. 這讓我流汗,也讓我哭泣。
That made me sweat and cry.
3. 迪克哭泣,掙扎,然後死在巨人的手中!
Dick cried, struggled, and then died in the giant's hand!
4. 我再也無法控制自己的感情,開始大聲哭泣。
I couldn't control my feelings anymore and began to cry loudly.
5. 不,這是因為它可以在朋友或親人哭泣時抱住他們的頭。
No, it is because it can hold the head of a friend or loved one when they cry.
6. 不過,你應該看到艾德第一天就要出發時,梅西哭泣的模樣。
You should have seen Macy cry when Ed was about to set off on the first day, though.
7. 當你改變不了任何事情的時候,哭泣是沒有用的,所以要有耐心。
When you can't change anything, crying is useless, so just be patient.
8. 有時候,朋友會借給你一本教科書,或者一個可以靠著哭泣的肩膀。
There are times when a friend will lend you a textbook, or a shoulder to cry on.
9. 昨晚矇矓中我彷彿聽見有人在哭泣。
While I was half asleep last night, I seemed to hear someone weeping.
10. 嬰兒在母親懷裡呱呱地哭泣。
The infant is mewling in her mother’s arms.
哭,讀音kū,哭與笑一樣,從人(大,人體形)。人上面竟然頂著兩個口,可見伸冤或求助之迫切。造字本義:呼天搶地,伸冤求情。含義是因痛苦悲哀或感情激動而流淚,有時還發出聲音。 哭,是人類生理情緒的一種表達或表露,亦是人類表達情感的一種方式。哭一般定義為由於情感的大浮動波動而流淚出聲。哭出的淚水是應該包含人的主觀情感。
動詞 weep; sob
1. 為自己的不幸而哭泣
weep over one's misfortunes