減輕的英文 減輕用英語怎麼說?
lighten v.減輕;變輕;變得更亮;閃電劃過;開導;使輕鬆愉快;啟迪
lessen v.變少;縮小
ease n.容易;不費力;自在;舒適;鎮定;沉著;不拘謹;安逸;悠閒
alleviate v.減輕;緩和
mitigate v.使溫和;使緩和;減輕
常用 權威
1. 減輕處罰
mitigate a punishment
2. 減輕頭痛
relieve sb's headache
3. 減輕憂傷
assuage one's grief
4. 減輕懲罰
mitigate punishment
5. 減輕稅負
ease tax burden
6. 減輕病情
alleviate a disease
7. 減輕疾病
alleviate a disease
8. 減輕壓力
release the pressure (on)
9. 減輕刑罰
mitigate punishment
10. 減輕疲勞
lessen fatigue
11. 減輕汙染
reduce pollution
12. 減輕病痛
alleviate the ailment
13. 減輕課業負擔
reduce the burden of schoolwork
14. 減輕就業壓力
ease the pressure of employment
1. 你在泳池裡的體重減輕了90%。
You weigh about 90% less in the pool.
2. 老虎運動可以減輕背部的疼痛。
The tiger movements can reduce the pain in the back.
3. 以前的治療未能減輕他的痛苦。
Previous medical treatments failed to relieve his pain.
4. 相反,靠近物體的感覺可以減輕孤獨感。
In turn, feeling close to objects can alleviate loneliness.
5. 由時間決定的重新驗證將減輕每個人的管理。
A time-determined revalidation would ease administration for everybody.
6. 在去看過幾次醫生後,我的咳嗽開始減輕了。
After a few more regular visits to the doctor, my cough started to lessen.
7. 間隔年的經歷可以減輕適應大學生活的壓力。
Gap year experiences can lessen the blow when it comes to adjusting to college.
8. 工作壓力的減輕。
The alleviation of job pressure.
9. 新澤西學區減輕了學生的壓力,暴露了種族差異。
New Jersey school district eases pressure on students, baring an ethnic divide.
10. 與此同時,通訊成本的大幅下降減輕了遠距離互動的難度。
Simultaneously, dramatic drops in communication costs ease long-distance interactions.
動詞 lighten; lessen; ease; alleviate; mitigate
1. 工資提高後減輕了物價上漲對我們的影響。
Wage increases have cushioned us from the effects of higher prices.
2. 供應緊張的狀況正在減輕。
The supply tightness is abating.
3. 病痛減輕了。
The pain ebbed/lessened.
4. 減輕壓力
ease the pressure (on sb/sth)
5. 減輕農民負擔
ease/lessen/reduce the burden of the farmers; lighten the burdens on the farmers; relieve the farmers of their heavy burdens
6. 減輕患者痛苦
ease/abate/alleviate/decrease the patient's pain
7. 減輕處分/懲罰
mitigate a punishment; mitigate the severity of a punishment