措施的英文 措施用英語怎麼說?
measure v.量;測量;度量;斟酌;權衡;走過;衡量;評估;比較;達到
step n.跨步;步子;梯級;臺階;措施;手段;音級;全音;半音;跑步有氧健身法
常用 權威
1. 反雷達措施
radar countermeasures
2. 消聲措施
noise countermeasure; noise elimination measure
3. 防震措施
precautions against earthquakes; antiquake measures
4. 整改措施
measures for rectification and reform
5. 執行措施
carry out measures
6. 安全措施
safety measures/precautions; security arrangements
7. 廉政措施
anti-corruption measures
8. 消振措施
vibration absorbing measures
9. 節能措施
energy-saving measures
10. 抗震措施
earthquake-protective measure
11. 緊急措施
emergency measures
12. 補償措施
indemnifying/indemnity/compensatory measure
13. 改革措施
reformatory measures
14. 刺激措施
stimulant measures
15. 增產措施
measures to increase production
16. 防盜措施
precautions against burglary
17. 應急措施
expeditious/emergency measures
18. 應對措施
counter measure
19. 強有力的措施
strong measures
20. 降溫措施
cooling measures
1. 這些措施有幾個令人振奮的動機。
Such measures have a couple of uplifting motives.
2. 採取措施減少他們產品中的尼古丁。
Take steps to reduce nicotine in their products.
3. 這些措施在短期內會受到歡迎。
These measures would be welcome in the short term.
4. 它(措施)可能在未來幾周內生效。
It could go into effect within the next few weeks.
5. 單一回應是最完美的解決措施。
Single response is the perfect remedy.
6. 市政府官員隨後決定採取嚴厲措施。
The city officials then decided to take drastic action.
7. 採取糾正措施在經濟上變得不可行。
It becomes economically unviable to take corrective action.
8. 英國將採取新措施促進旅遊業發展。
The UK will take new measures to boost tourism.
9. 我希望政府能採取措施保護珊瑚礁。
I hope the government can take steps to protect the coral reefs.
10. 可能引發針對法國的反制措施。
May trigger countermeasures against France.
名詞 measure; step
1. 政府已採取措施幫助下崗工人再就業。
The government has taken measures to help the laid-off workers to regain employment.
2. 預防措施
precautions; preventive/precautionary measures/steps
3. 一系列措施
a series/range of measures
4. 嚴厲措施
harsh/stern/severe/rigid measures
5. 行政措施
administrative action
6. 強制性措施
coercive/compulsory measures
7. 強硬措施
strong measures; stiff action
8. 臨時措施
makeshift/stopgap/temporary/interim measures; tentative steps
9. 緊急/應急措施
emergency measures
10. 極端措施
extreme/radical measures
11. 大膽/果斷/積極的措施
bold/firm/active steps
12. 防火措施
fire precautions; precautions against fire
13. 防盜措施
precautions against burglary
14. 促進就業的措施
employment-promoting measures
15. 刺激經濟增長的措施
business-stimulating measures
16. 補救措施
remedial actions/measures
17. 必要/及時/有效措施
necessary/timely/effective measures
18. 保護/救濟措施
protective/relief measures
19. 安全/保安措施
safety/security measures
20. 制訂措施
work out a measure
21. 執行措施
carry out measures
22. 推行新措施
enforce a new measure
23. 採取措施
resort to/adopt/take measures; take steps/actions/precautions