證實的英文 證實用英語怎麼說?
confirm v.證實;確定;施堅信禮;施堅振禮;批准;認可;加強;鞏固;確認
verify v.證明;核實;證實;證明… 屬實
bear out 證明, 證實
substantiate v.證實;證明
corroborate v.證實;證明;支援
常用 權威
1. 證實臆說
verify a hypothesis
2. 有待證實
remain to be confirmed
3. 證實理論
confirm a theory
4. 官方證實
officially verify
5. 證實想法
corroborate sb's belief
6. 證實推測
confirm a conjecture;confirm the conjecture
7. 證實猜疑
confirm sb's suspicion
8. 證實一個診斷
confirm a diagnosis
9. 未經證實的報道
unconfirmed report
1. 實際上,沒有證據證實這一點。
There is no evidence (證據) to really support this.
2. 草飼產品被證實
Grass-fed products have proved to be healthier and more nutritious.
3. 兩種模式都沒有得到分析證實。
Neither of these patterns is borne out by the analysis.
4. 一些研究已經證實了它們之間的聯絡。
Some research has confirmed the link between them.
5. 請他們用進一步的證據來證實他們的信念。
Ask them to validate their beliefs with further evidence.
6. 找一些關鍵的例子來證實這個\大創意\。
Find some key examples to support the \big idea\.
7. 這個學生完成了這個實驗,以證實約瑟夫教授所說的。
The student completed this experiment to make come true what Professor Joseph had said.
8. 在你成為科學家之前,你必須放棄那些未經證實的信念。
You must abandon your unverified beliefs before you become a scientist.
9. 他們希望在自己的位置上得到證實,這個世界正在尋找他們。
They want to be validated in their position that the world is out to get them.
10. 這一點在20世紀90年代初由美國麥哲倫軌道飛行器證實。
That was confirmed in the early 1990s by the American Magellan orbiter.
證實(英文:verify),讀音為zhèng shí,漢語詞語,指的是證明其確實。例句有“月球上沒有生命的推測已經得到了證實”。 相關古文有“‘姑蘇城外寒山寺,夜半鐘聲到客船。’詩佳矣。歐公譏其夜半無鐘聲。作詩話者,又歷舉其夜半之鐘,以證實之。”出自清代袁枚的《隨園詩話》卷八,相關近義詞有佐證、實證、表明,反義詞有質疑、反對。
動詞 confirm; verify; bear out; substantiate; corroborate
1. 目擊者證實他對事故的敘述是真實的。
The witness verified his report of the accident.
2. 未經證實的報道
unconfirmed report
3. 官方證實
officially verify
4. 有待證實
remain to be confirmed
5. 證實預言
corroborate/verify sb's prediction; sustain a prophecy
6. 證實想法
corroborate sb's belief
7. 證實推測
confirm a conjecture
8. 證實理論
bear out/verify/substantiate/validate a theory
9. 證實看法
bear out/corroborate/confirm sb's opinion
10. 證實假設
bear out/verify/validate a hypothesis
11. 證實傳聞
confirm a rumour/report
12. 證實猜疑
confirm sb's suspicion