四倍的英文 四倍用英語怎麼說?
fourfold adj.四倍的;有四部分的
quadruple adj.四部分的;四方面的;四倍的;四重的;四拍子的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 美國農貿市場的數量是20年前的四倍多。
There are over four times as many farmers' markets in the US as there were 20 years ago.
2. 城市汙染曾四倍於可允許的標準。
Pollution in the city had reached four times the acceptable level.
3. 20世紀70年代石油價格上漲了四倍。
Oil prices quadrupled in the 1970s.
4. 一份四倍濃度的伏特加酒。
A quadruple vodka.
5. 新擴建的廣場是擴建前的四倍大。
The newly broadened square is four times the size of the previous one.
6. 他非法地把租金增加到原來的四倍.
He acted illegitimately when he increased the rent fourfold.
7. 這是多數西方國家數字的四倍.
That was more than four times figure for Western nations.
8. 卵母細胞是有效的四倍體細胞。
The oocyte is effectively a tetraploid cell .
9. 電視機的產量已比去年增加了四倍.
The production of televison sets has been increased five times as against last year.
10. 電手基本是電頭疼痛的四倍。
Electric hand is basic be electric head ache is fourfold .
fourfold; quadruple