故鄉的英文 故鄉用英語怎麼說?
birthplace n.出生地;發源地;誕生地;發祥地
hometown n.故鄉;家鄉
常用 權威
1. 熱愛故鄉
love one's hometown
2. 第二故鄉
second home
3. 依戀故鄉
be attached to one's hometown
4. 歸回故鄉
return to one's hometown
5. 思戀故鄉
yearn for one's home town
6. 渴念故鄉
pine for one's native land
7. 懷念故鄉
miss one's hometown;yearn for one's native land
8. 故鄉的變遷
changes in the home country
1. 低頭思故鄉。
Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned.
2. 回到故鄉,不免想起兒時的事。
The visit to my hometown naturally brought about/back childhood memories.
3. 舉頭望明月,低頭思故鄉
Lifting my eyes, I watch the bright moon, and lowering my head, I am yearning for home.
4. 故鄉的小路況味依舊。
The hometown trail retains its old charm/appeal.
5. 他失散多年的姐姐突然回到了故鄉,真是喜從天降。
His sister who had been missing for many years came back to her homeland suddenly; it was an absolute godsend.
6. 這位老華僑終於葉落歸根,回到了闊別數十年的故鄉。
Like fallen leaves returning to their roots, the old man eventually returned to his hometown and settled down there after several decades overseas.
7. 對她來說,故鄉的魅力是強烈的。
The pull of her home town was a strong one.
8. 我一直把義大利當作我的精神故鄉。
I had always thought of Italy as my spiritual home.
9. 《故鄉》的主題定位一向有誤區。
The theme of Hometown is misunderstood in some aspects.
10. 斬不斷的是對故鄉、親人的情絲.
The ties of love towards hometown and relatives will always remain unbroken.
《故鄉》是一篇由文學家魯迅寫的以農村生活為題材的短篇小說,創作於1921年1月,最初發表於《新青年》9卷1號。 該小說以魯迅回鄉見聞為線索,透過幼年時期和中年時期的閨土,以及魯迅在回憶中的故鄉和現在的故鄉兩種明顯的變化,深刻地反映了辛亥革命前後近三十年來的農民生活口趨貧困、農村社會日益破敗的真實景象。
《故鄉》是一首由許巍作詞、作曲並演唱的國語流行歌曲,釋出於2000年12月1日,收錄在專輯《那一年》中。 《故鄉》這首歌展現了許巍高超的唱功及創作功力。
名詞 birthplace; hometown; native place/soil
1. 第二故鄉
second home
2. 熱愛故鄉
love one's hometown
3. 回故鄉
return to one's hometown; visit one's hometown
4. 懷念故鄉
miss one's hometown