一線城市的英文 一線城市用英語怎麼說?
first-tier city
常用 重點詞彙
1. 廣州是中國四大一線城市之一。
Guangzhou is one of the top four economic centers of China.
2. 像北京一線城市每天有幾百輛高鐵停靠。
Tier 1 cities like Beijing have a couple hundred high-speed trains stopping at the city every day.
3. 我國目前被普遍公認的一線
Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou are the most commonly known first tier cities.
4. 商品房供給緊張一直是一線城市房價上漲客觀推動因素.
Housing supply line tension has been the objective of urban housing prices push factors.
5. 在中國,如果是在一線城市以外的地方,那生活成本會低很多。
Outside of first tier cities, the cost of living is far cheaper in China.
6. 這是繼京滬杭等城市出臺住房限購令後,又有一線城市出臺限購令。
It is another Chinese first-tier city rolled out house purchase ban after Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou.
7. 在像北京和上海這樣的一線城市中,有能力購買其產品的人應以百萬計。
In Beijing and Shanghai, such as first-line cities, can afford to buy their products should be in the millions.
8. 目前房地產市場泡沫嚴重的城市主要集中在北京、上海、廣州等房地產一線城市。
Current real estate market bubble serious urban concentrated in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other real estate frontline cities.
9. 王科長表示,選擇到一線城市讀研沒有問題,關鍵是在將來的生活和就業問題上要擺正心態。
King section chief expresses, the choice is read to city of a gleam of grind without the problem, the key is should place on the life in the future and obtain employment problem state of mind.
10. 美國航空將使用在美國和中國一線城市之間的美中航班剩餘37個每週有效航班頻次的其中7個。
American will make use of seven of what it has identified as the remaining 37 weekly frequencies available to US carriers between the US and first tier Chinese cities.
first-tier city