靈魂的英文 靈魂用英語怎麼說?
soul n.靈魂;精神;化身;具體表現;人;心靈;可憐的人;可愛的人;激情;感染力
spirit n.精神;心靈;心;心智;精神實質;氣質;特質;核心精神;烈性酒
heart n.心臟;中心;最裡面;心形;肥力;心情;勇氣;情緒;熱情;胸部
conscience n.良心;良知;道德心
core n.核心部分;最重要部分;根本;果核
常用 權威
1. 淨化靈魂
cleanse one's soul
2. 醜惡靈魂
ugly soul
3. 失去靈魂
lose one's soul
4. 靈魂深處
recesses of the psyche
5. 救贖靈魂
salve sb's conscience
6. 靈魂純潔
unblemished soul; heart of gold
7. 靈魂伴侶
8. 永生的靈魂
immortal soul
9. 盪滌靈魂的罪惡
cleanse sin from the soul
10. 把靈魂託付給上帝
consign one's soul to God
11. 人類靈魂的工程師
architects of the human spirit—teachers
12. 將靈魂託付給上帝
commend one's soul to God
1. 真正的友誼是兩個人分享同一個靈魂。
Real friendship is when two individuals share the same soul.
2. 據說眼睛是我們靈魂的窗戶。
It is said that the eyes are the windows to our soul.
3. 無論如何,它一定與人類的靈魂有關。
In any case it must have something to do with the soul of the human being.
4. 不是所有的商業夥伴都是你的靈魂伴侶。
Not all your business partners are your soul mates.
5. 與此同時,另一家人工智慧公司Soul Machines(靈魂機器)正在採取一種更加生物化的方法。
Meanwhile, another Al company, Soul Machines, is taking a more biological approach.
6. 教師享有人類靈魂工程師的美譽。
Teachers enjoy a good reputation of being engineers of the human soul.
7. 偉大的靈魂常寓於矮小的身軀。
A little body often harbours a great soul.
8. 他永遠不會為錢出賣靈魂。
He will never sell his soul for money.
9. 願他的靈魂在天國安息。
May his soul rest in Heaven.
10. 他是球隊的靈魂。
He is the key player on the team.
靈魂(英文名:Soul、Spirit)存在於宗教思想中,它指人類超自然及非物質的組成部分,被描述為決定前生今世的無形精髓。 宗教都認為靈魂居於人或其他物質軀體之內並對之起主宰作用,並主宰著思想、情感、夢境、幻覺等潛意識,隨著生老病死而變化,不同的宗教對人死亡後靈魂去向有靈魂非永恆說與靈魂永恆說兩種解釋。
名詞 soul; spirit
1. 願他的靈魂安息吧!
May his soul rest in peace!
2. 你相信靈魂不朽嗎?
Do you believe in the immortality of the soul?
3. 將靈魂託付給上帝
commend one's soul to God
名詞 soul [as distinct from one's body]; heart
1. 教師是人類靈魂的工程師。
A teacher is an architect of human soul.
2. 靈魂深處
in one's innermost soul; in one's soul of souls; in the depth of one's soul; at the bottom of one's soul
3. 靈魂純潔
unblemished soul; heart of gold
4. 靈魂伴侶
名詞 conscience; soul
1. 他永遠不會為錢出賣靈魂。
He will never sell his soul for money.
2. 使靈魂墮落
deprave/degrade one's soul
3. 把靈魂出賣給魔鬼
sell one's soul to the devil
4. 失去靈魂
lose one's soul
名詞 soul [as the essential element or part of sth]; core
1. 他是球隊的靈魂。
He is the key player on the team.