瓶的英文 瓶用英語怎麼說?
bottle n.狹頸小口瓶;勇氣;信心;一瓶;酒癖;嗜酒;奶瓶;鋼瓶
vase n.瓶;花瓶
jar n.罐子;罈子;廣口瓶;震動;搖晃;半開的位置;微開;不一致;一杯啤酒;不和諧
flask n.容器;瓶子;熱水瓶;細頸燒瓶;細頸球形玻璃容器;香水瓶;保溫瓶;可放在身後褲袋裡的酒瓶;防洩漏鉛膽容器
常用 權威
1. 鹽水瓶
saline bottle
2. 哺乳瓶
feeding bottle
3. 胡椒瓶
pepper-box; pepper pot
4. 乙炔瓶
acetylene cylinder
5. 瓶起子
bottle opener
6. 樣品瓶
sample bottle
7. 小口瓶
narrow-mouthed bottle
8. 蒸餾瓶
9. 刻度瓶
graduated bottle
10. 香料瓶
spice jar
11. 過濾瓶
filter flask
1. 你去文具店時請捎帶給我買瓶墨水。
Please buy a bottle of ink for me when you go to the stationer’s.
2. 這酒被裝進香檳酒瓶,冒充真品。
The drink was packaged in champagne bottles and was being passed off as the real stuff.
3. 葡萄酒沉渣去除前就放在瓶中變陳。
The wine is aged in the bottle before it is disgorged.
4. 菲利普把長頸瓶的瓶蓋旋上。
Philip screwed the top on the flask.
5. 喝完第三瓶啤酒後,他開始頗有醉意了。
After the third bottle of beer he began to feel quite merry.
6. 我從瓶中喝了一口酒。
I took a wet from my bottle.
7. 無菌廣口瓶。
[as adj. sterilized]sterilized jars.
8. 他揮動威士忌酒瓶喊著:“新年好!”
‘Happy New Year!’ he yelled, flourishing a bottle of whisky.
9. 一次是330瓶3盎司裝的母乳。
It's 330 bottles of three ounces.
10. 他們一開始就得到了樣本瓶了嗎?
Do they get sample bottles coming in?
遊戲王卡組系列之一 。 以中文卡牌名中有「瓶(かめ)」字的卡片所組成的卡集,主要是跟「強欲之壺」系列卡牌有關 。 還跟「壺」卡組有一定相關性。
名詞 bottle; vase; jar; flask
1. 樣品瓶
sample bottle
2. 小口瓶
narrow-mouthed bottle
3. 香水瓶
scent bottle
4. 塑膠瓶
plastic bottle
5. 軟塑膠瓶
squeeze bottle
6. 酒/藥/牛奶瓶
wine/medicine/milk bottle
7. 醬油瓶
sauce cruet
8. 胡椒瓶
pepper-box; pepper pot
9. 廣口玻璃瓶
glass jar
10. 把啤酒裝瓶
bottle off beer
量詞 the quantity contained in a bottle, vase, jar or flask
1. 按瓶出售
sell by the bottle
2. 一瓶牛奶/啤酒
a bottle of milk/beer