各自的英文 各自用英語怎麼說?
oneself pron.自己;親自;本人
respective adj.各自的;分別的
常用 權威
1. 各自為戰
fight independently; fight without allies
2. 各自為政
each does things in his own way; each acts on/after his own will without mutual coordination/cooperation (esp when they should do)
3. 各自回家
go separate ways home
4. 各自東西
each goes his own way; each strives for a different future
1. 幾分鐘內,所有的氣球都到了各自的工程師手中。
Within a couple of minutes, all balloons reached the hands of the respective engineers.
2. 所有25名工程師開始急急忙忙地尋找各自的氣球。
All the 25 engineers began to search for the respective balloons in a rush.
3. 資助人傾向於支援在各自領域已經得到認可的研究人員。
Grant awarders tend to favor researchers already recognized in their respective fields.
4. 每個黨派都各自提出了自己的建議。
Each party has separately made their own proposals.
5. 該條款規定雙方應履行各自的義務。
The clause stipulated that the two sides should carry out their commitments.
6. 他們在各自的領域都聲名顯赫。
They attained distinction and eminence in their respective fields.
7. 衛星繞著各自的行星運轉。
Satellites revolve around their planets.
8. 部隊已進入各自戰鬥崗位。
The troops are all in their positions.
9. 公約需經各自的政府批准。
The convention require ratification by the respective governments.
10. 請通報各自的姓名。
Everyone, please tell us your name.
【詞目】各自 【釋義】各人自己;各個方面自己的一方 既要~努力,也要彼此幫助ㄧ工作中出了問題,不能只責怪對方,~要多做自我批評。 《 東周列國志》第四回:“自此王室日益 卑弱,諸侯各自 擅權,互相侵伐,天下 紛紛多事矣。”
代詞 each (of a group); oneself; respective
1. 每個黨派都各自提出了自己的建議。
Each party has separately made their own proposals.
2. 客人各自來了。
The guests came singly.
3. 他們在各自的領域都聲名顯赫。
They attained distinction and eminence in their respective fields.
4. 既要各自努力又要互相幫助
help each other while working hard oneself
5. 各自回家
go separate ways home
6. 保留這些村舍各自的特色
preserve the distinctive identities of these village houses