勉強的英文 勉強用英語怎麼說?
force sb to do sth phr.v迫使某人做某事;強迫某人做某事
grudging adj.勉強給的;不情願地給的;不情願的;勉強的
reluctant adj.不情願的;勉強的
inadequate adj.不充足的;不會生活的;不勝任的
strained adj.疲憊的;疲勞的;神經緊張的;濾過的;緊張的;不寬鬆的;強裝的;不自然的;牽強附會的
unconvincing adj.不令人信服的;令人懷疑的;未給人以印象的
barely adv.僅僅;幾乎不;貧乏地;光禿禿;公開地;不加掩飾地;才;剛剛
常用 權威
1. 勉強一笑
force a smile
2. 勉強道歉
apologise with a bad grace
3. 勉強獲勝
eke out a victory
4. 勉強多數
bare/narrow/slender/slight/slim majority
5. 勉強擠出一滴眼淚
squeeze out a tear
6. 勉強裝出高興的樣子
contrive some cheerfulness
1. 他們中的許多家庭都在為勉強維持生計而掙扎。
Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet.
2. 不要勉強記憶一些無用的東西。
Don’t burden your memory with useless facts.
3. 他勉強把那個沉重的箱子搬了起來。
With an effort he lifted up the heavy trunk.
4. 也罷,既然他不願做,就不要勉強他。
All right, don’t force him since he doesn’t want to do it.
5. 我父母勉強允准了這門婚事。
My parents grudgingly/reluctantly assented to the marriage.
6. 第四季度公司收支勉強扯平。
In the fourth quarter the firm barely broke even.
7. 他決不勉強別人接納自己。
He’d never think of imposing himself on others.
8. 她媽勉強同意了這門親事。
Her mother grudgingly/reluctantly assented to the marriage.
9. 妻子多少掙點兒錢,他的生活還勉強過得去。
He managed on the meagre income his wife earned.
10. 如果他無意陪我們一起去,就不要勉強他了。
Don’t make him accompany us if he doesn’t want to.
勉強(英文:barely),拼音:miǎn qiǎng,漢語詞語,釋義為能力不足而強為之或心中不願而強為之等,例句有“他勉強答應把新書借給我看兩天”。 相關古文有“勉強學問,則聞見博而知益明。”明朝歸有光《河南策問對二道》,相關近義詞有強迫、曲折、湊合,反義詞有情願、自然、樂意。
動詞 do with difficulty; manage with an effort
1. 他勉強把那個沉重的箱子搬了起來。
With an effort he lifted up the heavy trunk.
2. 勉強湊足了錢上大學
scrape together enough money for college education
形詞 grudging; reluctant
1. 他很勉強地道了歉。
He apologized with bad grace.
2. 勉強裝出高興的樣子
contrive some cheerfulness
3. 勉強與某人結婚
marry sb with half a heart
4. 勉強一笑
force a smile
5. 勉強同意賠款協議
reluctantly/grudgingly agree to the indemnity clause
6. 勉強擠出一滴眼淚
squeeze out a tear
動詞 force sb to do sth
1. 他決不勉強別人接納自己。
He'd never think of imposing himself on others.
形詞 inadequate; strained; unconvincing
1. 他的證據很勉強。
His evidence is rather unconvincing.
副詞 barely
1. 他考試勉強及格。
He only just scraped through the examination.
2. 她勉強識字。
She can barely read or write.
3. 勉強組成一個隊
scrape the (bottom of the) barrel to get a full team
4. 勉強維持生計
eke out a bare living; scrape a living; live on from hand to mouth
5. 勉強獲勝
eke out a victory