吵的英文 吵用英語怎麼說?
noisy adj.發出噪聲的;鬧哄哄的;吵鬧的;喧鬧的;有噪聲的;吵吵嚷嚷的;有雜音的
tumultuous adj.吵鬧的;喧譁的;混亂的;無序的;興奮的
uproarious adj.騷動的;喧囂的;引人捧腹(大笑)的;非常有趣的
clamorous adj.吵鬧的
make a noise 引起關注;引起轟動
常用 權威
1. 吵著吵著就打了起來
proceed from words to blows
1. 晚上會很吵。
It gets noisy at night.
2. 他們突然吵開鍋了。
Suddenly, they burst out into a furious/violent quarrel.
3. 小兩口吵了架,一會兒就好啦。你可別在裡邊和弄。
When the young couple have a quarrel, they’ll make it up in no time. You mustn’t meddle in it.
4. “他們在吵什麼?“魯思問。“我也不知道。
What do they quarrel about?' Queried Ruth. 'Ask me another.'
5. 那家酒吧又擠又吵。
The pub was crowded and noisy.
6. 我們已經吵完了。
[with present participle]we've done arguing.
7. 他們倆吵了一架。
The two of them had a falling-out.
8. 而且,都市裡比較忙碌,也比較吵。
Besides, it is busier and noisier in the city.
9. 它們有數十億。而且它們很吵。
There will be billions of them. And they're loud.
10. 這麼吵,我聽不清播音員在說什麼。
I couldn't catch what the announcer said, with all the other noise going on.
歌名:吵 演唱:李琦 詞:任良 曲:李琦 編曲:朱家明 製作:荒井十一
形詞 noisy; tumultuous; uproarious; clamorous
1. 隔壁太吵了,叫人睡不著覺。
There was too much noise next door; I just couldn't sleep.
2. 吵得慌
terribly noisy
動詞 make a noise
1. 天哪!吵什麼呢?
Good grief! What's all this noise about?
2. 輕點兒,別把孩子吵醒了。
Be quiet! Don't wake the child with your noise.
3. 別吵了!
Hold your racket! / Don't make so much noise! / Stop making such a row/racket!
4. 大吵大嚷
make a horrendous din; kick up/make a row
5. 吵得天翻地覆
make a hell of racket
動詞 quarrel/bicker/squabble/row/brawl (with sb about/over sth); have words (with sb about sth); have a row (with sb)
1. 這事不歸我管,跟我吵有什麼用?
I am not in charge of this, so what's the use of quarreling with me about it?
2. 你們在吵些什麼?
What are you squabbling about now?
3. 為瑣碎小事而吵
be at loggerheads over trivial matters; quarrel/bicker/squabble/quibble (with sb) over trifles
4. 吵著吵著就打了起來
proceed from words to blows
5. 吵個不停
bicker constantly/incessantly