試的英文 試用英語怎麼說?
try v.試;嘗試;審訊;審判;用刨子刨平;加熱以提取;熬;爭取;調查
test n.試驗;測試;烤缽;灰皿;甲殼;介殼;被囊;檢驗;標準
examine v.檢查;調查;對…進行考試;考;訊問
常用 權威
1. 試身手
try one's hand (at);try one's hand at sth
2. 試金條
assay bar
3. 試衣服
try on new clothes
4. 試投票
test vote
5. 試工期
probation/trial period
1. 我也試著用一些竹子餵它們。
I also tried to feed them with some bamboo.
2. 他在卡片周圍包了一層塑膠,接著又試了一次。
He wrapped one layer of the plastic around the card and tried again.
3. 我們試了很多次,但心臟已經碎得不能在拼好了。
We tried many times, the heart were in too many broken bits to put back together.
4. 我們試了又試,可全都無濟於事。
We tried and tried, but it was all to no avail.
5. 失敗後,我跟著又試了一次。
I tried again immediately after I failed the first time.
6. 把恆溫器試放在另一個房間裡。
Try repositioning the thermostat in another room.
7. 我們正在推出特惠價試訂閱的活動。
We are making a special introductory offer of a reduced subscription.
8. 瑪麗試著想明白這個星期裡發生的事。
Marie tried to assimilate the week's events.
9. 他朝鐵絲網試捅了一下。
He gave the wire netting an experimental prod.
10. 他們一共試了12次。
They tried a dozen times all told.
試(shì),漢語文字,筆畫8畫,左右結構。字義是按照預定的想法非正式地做;也指考,測驗。組詞有試圖、試問、試卷。 相關詩句有“日高人渴漫思茶,敲門試問野人家”,出自宋代蘇軾的《浣溪沙》。
動詞 try; test
1. 我好歹要試一試。
I'll try it, kill or cure.
2. 他試過,可沒有成功。
He tried but didn't succeed.
3. 讓我試一下。
Let me have a try at/for it.
4. 請再試一次吧。
Try again, if you please.
5. 你要試一試嗎?
Do you want to make a try?
6. 那值得一試嗎?
Is that worth a try?
7. 試一試
have a try/crack; give sth a try
8. 試投票
test vote
9. 試身手
try one's hand (at)
10. 試炮
prove a gun
11. 試帽子/衣服
try on a hat/dress
動詞 test; examine