運動場的英文 運動場用英語怎麼說?
playground n.運動場;操場;遊樂場;活動場所
sports field 體育場;運動場;操場
playing field n.戶外運動場
athletic field 運動場;田徑場
stadium 體育場;露天體育場;斯塔德;競走跑道;戰車賽道
1. 修造運動場
rebuild a playground
2. 運動場地
place for sport
1. 有場地用作運動場,也有資金用於鋪設網球場和無擋板籃球場。
There is space for playing fields and the money to pave tennis and netball courts.
2. 你可以說說好話,想辦法溜進運動場。
You can contrive to wheedle your way on to a playing field.
3. 利物浦的新運動場快完工了。
Liverpool's new ground is nearing completion.
4. 她被要求在請願書上簽名,反對在當地運動場上修建房屋的計劃。
She was asked to sign a petition against plans to build on the local playing fields.
5. 他們拍攝了我們的運動場和教室。
They filmed our sports fields and our classroom.
6. 這個運動場能用四分鐘時間清場.
The stadium can be emptied in four minutes.
7. 運動場上的衝撞導致的脊髓震盪。
A concussion of the spinal cord as a result of an on-field collision.
8. 他到運動場時,你們在踢足球嗎?
Were you playing football the moment he got to the stadium?
9. 拓荒。生命這沒有回頭的運動場。
Wild. NOT back to life in this stadium.
10. 我的建議是建立一個新的運動場。
My proposal is to build a new sports area.