寄託的英文 寄託用英語怎麼說?
repose n.憩息;歇息;睡眠;安息;安靜;從容;鎮靜;恬靜;勻稱;和諧
常用 權威
1. 寄託哀思
give expression to one's grief;give expression to sb's grief
2. 精神有所寄託
have spiritual sustenance
1. 我們把希望都寄託在你身上。
Our hopes are placed/pinned on you.
2. 希望寄託在兒童身上。
The hope rests on children.
3. 家庭是他唯一的寄託。
Family is the only hope that he nurses.
4. 親屬們在墜機地點獻花寄託哀思。
Relatives left floral tributes at the scene of the crash.
5. 她把希望寄託在她的律師身上。
She rested her hopes in her attorney.
6. 我們從沒有辜負你寄託於我們的信賴。
We have never betrayed the trust that you have reposed in us.
7. 他們將因特網用作孤獨時的精神寄託。
They use the Internet as a crutch for their loneliness.
8. 部長們把希望寄託在大肆消費的聖誕節上。
Ministers were pinning their hopes on a big-spending Christmas.
9. 宿命論是納齊恩斯基的唯一寄託。
Fatalism was Nadiensky's only refuge.
10. 有了電視,她好像就有了寄託似的。
With the TV, she seemed like there was sustenance.
寄託(英文:entrust to sb's care),讀音jì tuō,漢語詞語。是指心靈的某種依靠,即在人鬱悶、傷心、迷茫的時候需要安慰,卻找不到身邊真實的依靠時,心中那不切實際的,幻想的依靠寄託是一種源自於精神層面本能的需求,是將負面情緒疏導至被寄託處,以緩解內心感到的不安。 寄託該詞出自唐朝李朝威《柳毅傳》:“寄託侍者。\ 寄託的近義詞有託付、委派,反義詞有自立。
動詞 entrust to sb's care; leave with sb
1. 把孩子寄託在鄰居家
entrust one's child to the care of a neighbour
2. 把財產寄託給朋友看管
entrust a friend with one's property
動詞 place/pin (hope, etc) on; find sustenance in; repose
1. 希望寄託在兒童身上。
The hope rests on children.
2. 家庭是他唯一的寄託。
Family is the only hope that he nurses.
3. 精神有所寄託
have spiritual sustenance
4. 將所有希望寄託在下一代身上
place/fasten/hang all one's hopes on the next generation; repose all one's hopes in the next generation
5. 寄託哀思
give expression to sb's grief