越來越少的英文 越來越少用英語怎麼說?
on the decrease 在衰減中;在減少中
less and less 越來越少
常用 重點詞彙
1. 現在我們似乎越來越少用現金了。
It seems that we use cash less and less these days.
2. 我們從發達國家接收的廢物越來越少。
We are taking less waste from developed countries.
3. 讀者越來越少看紙質書了。
Readers are migrating away from print anyway.
4. 所以現在孩子們的戶外時間越來越少了。
So outdoor time for children is becoming less and less now.
5. 北極熊的數量越來越少。
The number of polar bears is smaller and smaller.
6. 高薪工作越來越少。
Good-paying jobs are less available.
7. 雄性恐龍越來越少。
There were fewer and fewer male dinosaurs.
8. 由於性別偏見,申請博士後職位的女性越來越少。
Fewer women are applying for postdoctoral positions due to gender bias.
9. 英國的政策制定者對GDP(國內生產總值)的關注越來越少。
Policymakers in the UK are paying less attention to GDP.
10. 我猜,由於可居住的地方越來越少,它們就會集中在少數幾個地區。
I guess with fewer places to inhabit, they concentrate in greater numbers in few areas.
on the decrease; less and less