做手術的英文 做手術用英語怎麼說?
have an operation; to have an operation
常用 重點詞彙
1. \微笑列車\的醫生做手術的報酬總是很高。
Doctors in Smile Train are always well paid for doing the operations.
2. 做手術可不是鬧著玩兒的。
Performing an operation is no joke.
3. 做手術不打麻藥不行。
Operations should not be performed without anaesthetic.
4. 一個用於做手術的自動裝置。
A robotic device for performing surgery.
5. 我被匆匆送往醫院做手術。
I was packed off to hospital for surgery.
6. 需要做手術取出他胸部的子彈。
An operation was needed to remove the bullets from his chest.
7. 顯然他對做手術這個話題很敏感。
Evidently he was sensitive to the topic of operation. (ad. obviously, clearly)
8. 在某些情況下,做手術是必要的。
In some cases, surgery is necessary.
9. 醫生建議再做手術還有希望痊癒。
Another operation had been advised by the doctor and there was hope for recovery.
10. 他同意做手術,截除壞疽的左腳.
He agreed to have an operation to amputate his left foot which had become gangrenous.
have an operation; to have an operation