摩擦的英文 摩擦用英語怎麼說?
rub v.擦;摩擦;揉擦;按摩;擦乾;互相摩擦;擦淨;擦光滑;觸碰;用(手,布或其他物體)擦
scrape v.刮;擦;刮擦;勉強維持;艱難地完成;用程式從網上下載;颳去;刮除;用工具刮;颳去泥土
friction n.摩擦力;摩擦;對立;敵視
clash n.對抗;衝突;顏色搭配不當;不湊巧;刺耳的金屬碰撞聲;不和;體育賽事
常用 權威
1. 摩擦音
2. 靜摩擦力
breakdown friction; static friction force
3. 摩擦力
frictional force; friction
4. 貿易摩擦
trade friction
5. 產生摩擦
cause friction
6. 潮汐摩擦
tidal friction
7. 滾動摩擦
rolling friction; friction of rolling
8. 摩擦雙手
rub one's hands together
9. 內部摩擦
internal friction
10. 製造摩擦
create friction
11. 表面摩擦
surface friction
12. 摩擦拋光
13. 摩擦阻力
friction drag
14. 避免摩擦
avoid friction
15. 摩擦樁
friction pile
16. 破裂摩擦音
17. 引起摩擦
cause friction
18. 摩擦係數
coefficient of friction; friction factor
19. 降低摩擦損耗
reduce friction loss
20. 工作關係中的摩擦
conflicts in the work place
1. 粉筆在黑板上發出刺耳的摩擦聲。
The chalk grated on the blackboard.
2. 兩國邊境的摩擦在日益加劇。
Friction is increasing on the border between the two countries.
3. 表面越粗糙,摩擦力越大。
The rougher the surface, the greater the friction.
4. 如果他們之間有摩擦,那就應該相互諒解。
If there is friction between them, each should make allowances for the other.
5. 摩擦能產生火花。
Friction can produce sparks.
6. 摩擦產生靜電。
Friction generates static electricity.
7. 這種光滑是機械摩擦的結果。
The smoothness was the result of mechanical abrasion.
8. 索環使纜繩不與金屬摩擦。
The grommet stops the cable chafing on the metal.
9. 她把門抬起以免發出與地面摩擦的聲音。
She lifted the gate to prevent it scraping along the ground.
10. 許多昆蟲透過摩擦身體的部位來發出聲音。
Many insects make noises by rubbing parts of their bodies together.
摩擦(拼音:mó cā),指物體和物體緊密接觸,來回移動等。
動詞 rub; scrape
1. 摩擦雙手
rub one's hands together
名詞 friction
1. 粉筆在黑板上發出刺耳的摩擦聲。
The chalk grated on the blackboard.
2. 摩擦產生靜電。
Friction generates static electricity.
3. 摩擦的痕跡
abrasion marks; marks left from rubbing/chafing/grating/scraping
4. 與岩石的摩擦
friction against the rock
5. 與空氣的摩擦
friction with the air
6. 滾動/滑動摩擦
rolling/gliding friction
7. 減少/增加摩擦
reduce/increase friction
名詞 clash (between two parties); friction
1. 兩國邊境的摩擦在日益加劇。
Friction is increasing on the border between the two countries.
2. 內部摩擦
internal friction
3. 兩國間的摩擦
clash/friction between two countries
4. 工作關係中的摩擦
conflicts in the work place
5. 父母與子女之間的摩擦
friction between parents and children
6. 製造摩擦
create friction
7. 與某人發生摩擦
have a brush with sb
8. 引起摩擦
cause friction
9. 避免摩擦
avoid friction