閃的英文 閃用英語怎麼說?
dodge v.躲開;區域性遮光;閃開;迅速讓開;巧妙地躲避;用欺騙的方式躲避;按變換序列鳴鐘
sprain v.扭傷
strain v.竭盡全力;使(身體部位)充分發揮功能;將…過濾;拉緊;努力;繃緊;使勁;張緊;盡力;扭傷
twist v.使彎曲;扭彎;扭歪;扭曲;旋轉;轉動;跳扭擺舞;欺騙;欺詐;牌面朝上
flash v.閃耀;突然顯示;閃過;掠過;飛馳;炫耀;使閃耀;使閃動;亮燈傳送;迅速看一眼
sparkle v.發光;閃爍;活潑機智;起泡沫
shine v.發光;照耀;擦亮;發亮;反光;照射;出類拔萃;幹得出色
leave behind 遺留;留下;落後
lightning n.閃電;電光閃過;閃電(似的)光
常用 權威
1. 閃燃點溫度
flash point temperature
1. 裡面的燈閃了幾下後亮了起來。
The interior lights flickered, and came on.
2. 亞當在汽車間躲來閃去。
Adam dodged between the cars.
3. 他有三個兒子:閃、含、和雅弗。
He had three sons shem ham and japheth.
4. 我推箱子時用力過猛,把腰閃了.
I strained my back for I used too much strength when pushing the box.
5. 教授指定她的專業是閃語族語言.
The professor made the description of the Semitic languages her specialty.
6. 我看見一條閃金光的小魚看著我。
I see a shiny fish looking at me.
7. 挪亞五百歲生了閃、含、雅弗。
After Noah was 500 years old, he became the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth.
8. 是她閃著慈愛目光的一雙眼睛。
E … is for her eyes, with love-light shining.
9. 代表著她閃著愛的光芒的雙眼。
E\ is for her eyes with love-light shining.\
10. 絲絨般的炭灰色帶多種柔和顏色閃。
Velvety charcoal with a gentle multi-coloured shimmer.
閃(讀音:shǎn),漢語漢字,上三包圍結構,總筆畫為5畫,部首為門部。釋義是天空的電光;突然顯現;側轉體躲避。組詞有閃電。 相關古文有“閃,窺頭在門中也”,出自《說文》。
【閃】是由遊卡桌遊推出的桌上游戲《三國殺》中的一種基本牌。 作用效果:抵消目標【殺】的效果。
動詞 dodge; get out of the way; move quickly to avoid being hit/seen
1. 閃到一邊
make a dodge aside; move quickly aside
動詞 appear suddenly
1. 她臉上閃過一絲微笑。
A faint smile flickered across her face.
2. 他腦子裡閃過一個念頭。
An idea flashed across/into/through/upon his mind. / An idea flashed upon him.
3. 黑暗裡突然閃出一個人來。
Someone suddenly darted out of darkness.
名詞 lightning
動詞 (of the body) sway dramatically
動詞 sprain; strain; twist
動詞 flash; sparkle; shine
動詞 leave behind