等一會的英文 等一會用英語怎麼說?
wait for a while; wait for a second
常用 重點詞彙
1. 等一會兒,我正在給孩子講書呢。
Just a minute, please. I’m teaching the child now.
2. 等一會兒,我馬上回來。
Hold on a minute, I'll be right back!
3. 嘿,等一會兒。
Here, hold hard a minute.
4. 我們等一會兒,然後我會打電話給他們。
We'll wait a little bit and then I'll phone them.
5. 我們等一會就要辦理登機手續了。
And we are going through the check-in formalities in a few minutes.
6. 等一會兒,有人等著要和我說話。
Just a moment, someone’s waiting to speak to me.
7. 如果你願等一會兒,我就同你去。
B. If you will wait for a moment, I will go with you.
8. 你做你的作業,我在這等一會兒。
Just goon with your home work.
9. 埠正在初始化。等一會兒再拔號。
Biplex port is initializing. Wait a few seconds and redial.
10. 我問他等一會兒再打電話來行不行。
I asked him if he wouldn't mind calling later.
wait for a while; wait for a second