萵筍的英文 萵筍用英語怎麼說?
asparagus lettuce
常用 權威
1. 研究了萵筍葉綠色素的提取及其理化性質.
Extraction and properties of green pigment from leaves of Asparagus lettuce were reported.
2. 萵筍炒火腿,選肥瘦均勻的火腿和新鮮的萵筍同炒。
Stir-fried ham with asparagus lettuce needs well-marbled ham meat and fresh asparagus lettuce.
3. 萵筍、藥草、白菜和甘藍都可以透過這種方式培養。
Lettuce, herbs, bok choi and kale can all be grown this way.
4. 它們是萵筍。
They are Asparagus lettuce.
5. 主要產品: 毛豆 、 黃金梨 、 榨菜、香萵筍.
Products: green soybean, golden pear, asparagus lettuce.
6. 本文探討了HACCP系統在鮮切萵筍生產中的應用.
In this paper, HACCP system was applied to produce fresh cut asparagus.
7. 重金屬平均含量明顯較高的蔬菜品種有莧菜、萵筍、生菜、蔥子;
The vegetable breeds which average contents of heavy metal are high have three-coloured amaranth, asparagus lettuce , raw vegetable, onion;
8. 透過盆栽試驗研究了增施氮鉀和光照強度對不同品種萵筍光合特性和產量的效應。
The results indicated that net photosynthetic rate (Pn)of lettuces was increased by adding nitrogen and potassium fertilizer and light intensity.
9. 採用迴歸分析法,透過盆栽試驗,研究萵筍無土栽培營養液中大量元素的最優配方。
Pot experiments were carried out to study the optimal prescription of macroelements in nutrient solution for lettuce hydroponics.
萵筍(拼音:wō sǔn,拉丁學名:Lactuca sativa var. angustata Irish ex Bremer),別稱柳葉萵苣、萵菜、千金菜等,菊科萵苣屬植物,是萵苣的一個變種,分為白萵筍、尖葉萵筍、花葉萵筍等品種。性涼,味甘微苦,清熱利尿,活血通乳。 萵筍原產於地中海沿岸。萵苣種能形成肉質嫩莖的變種,一二年生草本植物。莖皮白綠色,莖肉質脆嫩,幼嫩莖翠綠,成熟後轉變白綠色。葉互生,披針形或長卵圓形等,顏色有淺綠、綠、深綠或紫紅。萵筍有防癌抗癌、保護心臟、增進食慾、養肝、抵禦痛風等功效。 萵苣的做法有很多,如萵筍+蒜薹,做法:將萵筍切短片、蒜薹切3釐米段、辣椒切段,油熱後下幹辣椒爆出味,再下萵筍和蒜薹翻炒,最後放醬油、鹽大火炒3分鐘即可。 萵筍的葉子可以吃,萵筍葉富含維生素B1、維生素C、胡蘿蔔素及鉀、鎂、鈣等微量元素,適當食用萵筍葉有助於促進消化、增進食慾等。
名詞 asparagus lettuce