牢記的英文 牢記用英語怎麼說?
never forget 永不忘記;從未忘記;不會忘記
常用 權威
1. 牢記教訓
learn the lesson well
1. 當你設定目標時,你必須牢記這些要點。
You must keep these points in mind while setting your goals.
2. 始終牢記20%的目標,防止自己變得自滿。
Always keep that 20% goal in mind, prevents yourself from becoming complacent.
3. 然而,即使是這很常見,牢記這一點也很重要。
However, even though it's common, it's important to keep in mind that.
4. 雖然他很瞭解這個故事,但他仍然需要牢記所有的表述。
Though he knew the story well, he still needed to keep all the words in mind.
5. 首先,你應該始終牢記那些你希望在它結束時完成的事情。
First of all, you should always keep in mind what you hope to complete by the end of it.
6. 我將把您的話牢記在心。
Your words will be engraved on my heart/mind.
7. 有些人仍把多年前的怨恨牢記心頭。
[count noun]some people harbour resentments going back many years.
8. 另一件你們必須牢記的事情就是,
Now, another thing you have to keep very much in mind, they're going to give you...
9. 我們要牢記這些慘痛的血的教訓。
We must remember these painful lessons paid for in blood.
10. 我總是將它牢記在心,永不忘卻.
I never forget it and always bear it in my mind.
【詞目】牢記 【示例】 明 馮夢龍 《東周列國志》第七十三回:“(伍)員曰:‘蒙弟指教,某當牢記。異日有用弟之處,萬勿見拒!’專諸應諾。”
動詞 always bear in mind; keep firmly in mind; remember well; never forget
1. 我將把您的話牢記在心。
Your words will be engraved on my heart/mind.
2. 牢記教訓
learn the lesson well
3. 牢記導師的教導
bear in mind the teacher's instructions