按門鈴的英文 按門鈴用英語怎麼說?
ring the doorbell 按門鈴
常用 重點詞彙
1. Laura,有人在按門鈴。
Laura, someone is ringing the doorbell.
2. 別瞎按門鈴,按一次就夠了。
Don’t press the doorbell wildly; once is enough.
3. 有人按門鈴。
There is a ring at the door.
4. 他們按門鈴,不過我沒有去開門。
They did not serve me any papers. They rang the bell, but I did not open the door.
5. 她按門鈴時身子在門廊裡縮成一團。
She huddled inside the porch as she rang the bell.
6. 我們按門鈴時,她假裝不在家。
She pretended(that)she was not at home when we rang the bell.
7. 他家的狗衝任何按門鈴的人都要叫.
His dog always barks at anyone who rings the doorbell.
8. 我按了按門鈴。叮噹!可沒有人回答。
I rang the doorbell. Ding- dong ! No answer.
9. 當我們吃午飯的時候, 有人按門鈴.
While we were having lunch, somebody rang the bell.
10. 他懷著一顆砰砰亂跳的心上前按門鈴.
With a beating heart he rang the bell.
ring the doorbell