啊的英文 啊用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-19


ah excl.啊;呀

O abbr.鄰位

oh excl.哦

well adv.好;令人滿意地;徹底地;完全地;充分地;很可能;很;極其;平靜;容易地

eh excl.啊;嗯;什麼;是嗎;好嗎

what pron.什麼;所…的事物;多少;不管什麼;無論什麼;凡是…的東西

aha excl.啊哈

常用 權威



1. 一天裡發生了多麼大的變化

What a difference that one day made!

2. 他給我們上了多麼特別的一堂課

What a special lesson he gave us!

3. 在你休息的時候,日子多麼美好

What a nice gesture on your days off.

4. 在橘子島上進行野外旅行多麼有趣

What fun it is to have a field trip on the Orange Island!

5. 那是一個多麼快樂的童年

It was such a happy childhood.

6. 小西蒙在鏡頭前跳得多美

How beautifully little Simon dances in front of the camera!

7. 小男孩不停地挖

The little boy kept on digging and digging.

8. 無人駕駛汽車多智慧

How smart the driverless car is!

9. 如果他們不好奇,這對人類是多大的損失

If they hadn't been curious, what a loss for humans!

10. 這個年輕人對我們的家來說是多麼大的福氣

What a blessing this young man was to our family!






嘆詞 [used to express surprise or admiration] ah; O; oh

1. 啊,是小王,快進來。

Ah, Xiao Wang. Come on in.

2. 啊,打雷了!

Oh, it's thundering!

嘆詞 [used to press for an answer] well

1. 啊?你倒是同意不同意呀?

Well, do you agree or not?

嘆詞 [used to ask for a repetition of sth just said] eh; what

1. “你看見那本指南了嗎?” “啊?” “看見那本指南了嗎?”

‘Have you seen that guide book?' ‘What?' ‘Seen that guide book?'

2. 啊?你說什麼?

Eh? What did you say?

嘆詞 [used to express puzzled surprise] ah; aha; what

1. 啊?他還沒來啊!

What! He still hasn't come yet?

嘆詞 [used to express agreement or compliance] ah

1. 啊,好吧。

Well, OK.

嘆詞 [used to express sudden realization] ah; aha; O; oh; well

1. 啊,原來是你,怪不得看著面熟哇!

Ah, it's you! No wonder you look so familiar.

2. 啊,我現在明白了。

Ah, I understand now.

嘆詞 [used to express admiration or surprise] ah; O; oh

1. 啊,偉大的祖國!

O! Our great motherland!

2. 啊,多漂亮的禮物!

Oh, what a lovely gift!

助詞 [used at the end of a sentence to express appreciation]

1. 多好的天兒啊 !

What a nice day!

助詞 [used at the end of a sentence to express agreement, defensiveness, urge, etc]

1. 這話說得是 啊。

What you said is quite reasonable.

2. 我沒有去是因為我有事 啊。

I didn't go because I had some other arrangement.

3. 你可要小心 啊!

Do be careful!

4. 快去 啊 !

Hurry up!

助詞 [used at the end of a sentence to express doubt]

1. 你這說的是真的 啊 ?

Is that so?

2. 你吃不吃 啊 ?

Are you going to eat or not?

助詞 [used to indicate a pause to draw attention]

1. 這些年 啊 ,我們的日子越過越好啦!

Over the past few years, things have been getting better and better for us.

助詞 [used in enumerat-ing items]

1. 書 啊 ,雜誌 啊 ,擺滿了書架。

The bookshelf is filled with all sorts of books, magazines, etc.

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