偉人的英文 偉人用英語怎麼說?
great man; great personage
常用 權威
1. 偉人肖像
portrait of a great personage
2. 世紀偉人
man of the century
3. 偉人史觀
great-man theory of history
4. 真正的偉人
truly great man
5. 偉人的風采
images of a great man
1. 從下往上看的歷史與偉人傳記並列。
History from below stood alongside biographies of great men.
2. 世界歷史本質上是在這裡工作過的偉人的歷史。
Universal history is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here.
3. 兩次歷史飛躍造就了兩位偉人。
The two historic leaps made two great men.
4. 偉人長眠,舉國哀悼。
The whole nation grieved/mourned over the great man’s death.
5. 學習偉人
Learning the great man's speeches and studying his mannerisms.
6. 丘吉爾和牛頓等偉人的一生。
The lives of the great, including Churchill and Newton.
7. 我們追隨偉人和領袖。
We obeyed our great men and leaders.
8. 孟子說:\偉人是不喪失童心的人。\
\The great man,\ said Mencius (孟子), \is he who does not lose his child's heart.\
9. 希望偉人永遠留在歷史的記憶中。
Forever great hope to stay in the memory of history.
10. 閱讀偉人的經歷,可以學到許多。
We can learn much by reading about the career men.
偉人是指功績卓著,受人尊敬的人。 偉人,是在一定的歷史條件下,在某個領域或幾個領域,透過自身和團隊的奮鬥,做出了普通人不能做出的偉大業績。這些業績對當時或者後世產生了積極的影響,對國家、民族乃至於全人類有益的。 只有真正經得起歷史的考驗,受到大多數人的敬仰的人才能列入偉人行列。也有認為“偉人”是一個稱號,與“英雄”之類概念。
名詞 great man; great personage
1. 真正的偉人
truly great man
2. 世紀偉人
man of the century
3. 當代偉人
great man of our times; contemporary great man
4. 偉人史觀
great-man theory of history